1. The County Government of Kajiado invites sealed tenders for the Proposed Construction of County
Government of Kajiado Headquarter Complex at Kajiado Town for a period of 24 months
2. Tendering will be conducted under open national tender method using a standardized tender
document.Tendering is open to all qualified and interested Tenderers.
3. Qualified and interested tenderers may obtain further information and inspect the Tender
Documents during office hours 0900 to 1500 hours at the address: The Director, Supply Chain
Management Office, Kajiado County Headquarters, Nairobi-Namanga Highway, Kajiado during
normal working hours.
4. A complete set of tender documents may be obtained electronically from the Websites or Tender documents obtained electronically will be free of
5. Tender documents may be viewed and downloaded for free from the website or Tenderers who download the tender document must forward their particulars
immediately to to facilitate any further clarification or addendum.
6. Tendersshall be quoted be in Kenya Shillings and shall include all taxes. Tendersshallremain valid for
150 days from the date of opening oftenders.
7. All Tenders must be accompanied by a tender security of Kshs. 10,000,000.00 valid for 180 days
from the date of tender opening.
8. The Tenderershall chronologically serialize all pages ofthe tender documentssubmitted in the format
of 1, 2, 3, 4……………………. From the cover page to the last page including all attachments.
9. Completed tenders must be delivered to the address below on or before 28th MAY, 2023 at 1100
Hrs… Electronic Tenders will not be permitted.
10. Tenders will be opened immediately after the deadline date and time specified above or any dead line
date and time specified later. Tenders will be publicly opened in the presence of the Tenderers’
designated representatives who choose to attend at the address below.
11. Late tenderswill be rejected.
10. The addressesreferred to above are:
A. Address for obtaining further information and for purchasing tender documents
Office of the Director, Supply Chain Management,
County Government of Kajiado Headquarters- Kajiado Off Nairobi Namanga Highway,
P.O. Box 11-01100 Kajiado.
B. Address for Submission of Tenders.
County Government of Kajiado,
Procurement Office, Kajiado County Headquarters, Adjacent to Kajiado County Assembly Offices,
Kajiado Town, off Nairobi Namanga Highway
P.O. Box 11-01100 Kajiado.
C. Address for Opening of Tenders.
County Government of Kajiado,
Procurement Office, Kajiado County Headquarters, Adjacent to Kajiado County Assembly Offices,
Kajiado Town, off Nairobi Namanga Highway
P.O. Box 11-01100 Kajiado.
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