National Government Constituencies Development Fund Board Tender 2020
Entity Type | State Corporation |
Entity Name | National Government Constituencies Development Fund Board |
Tender Reference Number | KC-NGCDF-OSS-2019/2020 |
Tender Title | Proposed Construction of One (1) Classroom to completion at Oloontulugum Secondary School (Tender No. KC-NGCDF-OSS-2019/2020) |
Tender Category | Works |
Tender Type | Open Tender |
Tender Application Fee | 1000 |
Date Published | 02nd-Jun-2020 |
Submission Closing Date | 18th-Jun-2020 |
Tender Opening Venue | Kajiado central ngcdf office |
Tender Opening Date | 18th-Jun-2020 |
Tender Opening Time | 10:00:00 |
Tender Status | Published |
Other Details |
Interested Contractors / Suppliers who meet the qualifications may obtain tender documents at Bidders will be required to provide the below requirements on submission of their tenders; Ø KRA PIN registration certificate Ø Valid Tax compliance certificate Ø Business registration / Incorporation certificate Ø Valid Business permit Ø Valid CR 12 Ø Bid Bond Ø Bank statement for the last six months Ø Proof of similar contracts completed in the last 5 years Ø Evidence of qualified key personnel, and relevant equipment to undertake works being bided for. Ø Registration with the National Construction Authority (NCA) for contractors. (The category to be dictated by the bid amount as required by NCA.) N0TE: Ø In your price quotations, ensure that your consolidated cost is inclusive of VAT NG-CDF National Government Constituencies Development Fund Next to District Lands Office P.O Box 550-01100 Kajiado, Kenya Tel: +254 721 617 053 Email: Vision: Equitable Socio-Economic Development across the Country and any other relevant costs. Ø All suppliers are required to attach catalogues of samples intended to be supplied Ø Any form of canvassing or influence peddling will lead to automatic disqualification and blacklisting of such Bidders/Supplier. Ø Invalid Documents and inaccurate quotations will automatically be disqualified from the process. Ø Tender documents will be sold at a fee of Kshs. 1,000 per tender to be banked at; Equity Bank Kajiado Central National Government Constituency Development Fund. Account No: 0860261949354 Ø The deposit slip should be presented at the NG CDF offices for issuance of a receipt whose copy will be attached to the tender documents upon submission. Please note that applications close on 18st June 2020 1000HRS. Any application thereafter will be considered null and void. Tenders will be opened immediately thereafter in the presence of the candidates or their representatives who choose to attend at 1030HRS Tenders in plain sealed envelopes, marked tender/Quotation number(s) and bearing an indication of the tender should be addressed to: FUND ACCOUNT MANAGER NG-CDF KAJIADO CENTRAL P.O. BOX 550 -01100 KAJIADO. and dropped off at the NG-CDF offices tender box. |
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