The Government of Kenya through the Ministry of Lands, Public Works, Housing and Urban Development, State
Department for Housing and Urban Development, invites tenders from interested eligible tenderers for the
following tenders:
No. | Project Name | Tender No. | No. of Units | Category |
1. | Proposed Construction of the Proposed Maili Tatu Afford- able Housing Project in Saboti Constituency, Trans Nzioa County | MLPWHUD/SDHUD/AHP/ 025/2023-2024 | 1,000 | Open Tender |
2. | Proposed Construction and Finance of Proposed Bungoma Smart City Affordable Housing Project in Kanduyi Constitu- ency, Bungoma County | MLPWHUD/SDHUD/AHP/ 026/2023-2024 | 2,000 | Open Tender |
3. | Proposed Construction of Kehancha Affordable Housing Project (with associated infrastructure) in Kuria West Constituency, Migori County | MLPWHUD/SDHUD/AHP/ 027/2023-2024 | 264 | Open Tender |
4. | Proposed Construction of Marigat Affordable Housing Project (with associated infrastructure) in Baringo South Constituency, Baringo County | MLPWHUD/SDHUD/AHP/ 028/2023-2024 | 267 | Open Tender |
5. | Proposed Construction of Archer’s Post Affordable Housing Project (with associated infrastructure) in Samburu East Constituency, Samburu County | MLPWHUD/SDHUD/AHP/ 029/2023-2024 | 226 | Open Tender |
6. | Proposed Construction of 20No. Classrooms in Mwiki Primary School, Ruiru Constituency, Kiambu County | MLPWHUD/SDHUD/SUD/ 030/2023-2024 | N/A | Open Tender |
7. | Proposed Construction of 10No. Classrooms in Mwihoko Primary School, Ruiru Constituency, Kiambu County | MLPWHUD/SDHUD/SUD/ 031/2023-2024 | N/A | Open Tender |
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1. Prospective tenderers can access the tender documents from the State Department’s website or the Public Procurement Information Portal (PPIP)
free of charge. Tenderers who download the tender documents from the website and are required to provide
their details by registering with the Supply Chain Management Office, located at Ardhi House 6th Floor Wing
B, 1st Ngong Avenue, during normal working hours. All enquiries and clarifications should be sent via email to:
2. Completed Tender documents enclosed in plain sealed envelopes and clearly marked with the Tender Number
and Tender Description shall be delivered to the address below and/or be deposited in the Tender Box located
on the 6th Floor, Ardhi House, 1st Ngong Avenue so as to be received on or before 18th October, 2024 at 9:00am.
Bulky documents shall be delivered and Registered at the Office of the Head, Supply Chain Management
Services Ardhi House 6th Floor, Wing B.
3. Tenders will be opened immediately thereafter at State Department for Housing and Urban Development
Boardroom, located at Ardhi House, 6th Floor “Wing “B”, in the presence of tenderers or their representatives
who choose to attend. Late tenders shall be rejected.
4. The State Department for Housing and Urban Development may cancel the tender proceedings at any time
before award. Clarifications and addendums related to this notice shall be posted in the State Department’s
Head Supply Chain Management Services
For: The Principal Secretary
State Department for Housing and Urban Development.
P.O. Box 30119 -00100 NAIROBI, KENYA