PROJECT ID. NO. 163980
Contract No. KE-MOALF-C1 -2021 -003-QCBS
Tender No: MOALF&C/SDFA&BE/8/2021-2022
The Government of Kenya, through the State Department for Fisheries, Aquaculture and the Blue Economy (SDFA&BE) with support from the World Bank, is implementing the Kenya Marine Fisheries and Socio-Economic Development (KEMFSED) project, and intends to apply part of the proceeds for this consulting service.
The consulting services (“the Services”) include:
Brief description: As a background, the KEMFSED project has an overall goal to enhance economic benefits and coastal livelihoods from marine fisheries and coastal aquaculture while safeguarding associated ecosystems’ integrity. The five coastal counties proposed to be targeted under this 5-year project include: Kwale, Mombasa, Kilifi, Tana River and Lamu. The implementing agency is the MoALFC, through the SDFA&BE, on behalf of the Government of Kenya.
Objective of Assignment: The overall objective of the task is to provide technical support to the State Department for Fisheries Aquaculture and the Blue Economy (SDFABE), Kenya Fisheries Service (KeFS) and County Government fisheries authorities in the implementation of the sub – component two (1.2) of the KEMFSED project, in particular supporting development of guidelines for formation of fisheries co-management areas, Beach Management Unit (BMU) Standard Operating Procedures (SoPs), BMU performance monitoring system, review of the BMU training manuals and supporting their mainstreaming and application during the development of joint co-management areas (JCMAs) under the KEMFSED project through provision of relevant training and capacity-building.
- a)Scope of work/specific tacks:
- Prepare an Inception Report with details as outlined in ToRs.
CMA guidelines
- Familiarise with existing draft Guidelines for the Formation of Fisheries Co-Management Areas in Kenya prepared under the auspices of the National CMA Guidelines Technical Committee
- Source and review other relevant community guidelines or related publications in Kenya for other community-level natural resources management in fisheries, wildlife forestry and water.
- Source and review other fisheries co-management area guidelines or related lessons-learned publications from other relevant countries, where available in English, as outlined in Section 1.4 of the ToRs
- In partnership with KEMFSED, SDFABE, KeFS and the Technical committee, lead the organisation and facilitation of one or more consultative workshops or seminars to review and revise existing draft National CMA Guidelines referred in section 3.2 of the ToRs, with a view to preparing final versions for both technical and community audiences.
- Prepare final draft versions of CMA Guidelines, based on output from 3.5 above, as follows:
- version for technical officers and practitioners in English;
- version for communities in Kiswahili.
- Present above draft versions to KEMFSED, TC, SDFABE, the Director General, KeFS, and other selected stakeholders representatives for comment and validation, in a small seminar setting.
- Prepare and submit final revised version of the CMA Guidelines incorporating comments as appropriate to DG KeFS for approval.
Preparation of BMU Standard Operating Procedures (SoPs)
Support KeFS in providing technical guidance to separate consultants contracted under KEMFSED for provision of legal services -by undertaking the following:
- Familiarise thoroughly with existing fisheries legislation in Kenya relevant to fisheries co- management, in particular the Fisheries Management and Development Act of 2016; BMU Regulations and general Fisheries Regulations (both in process of revision as of June 2020) and other Regulations therein;
- Source and review examples of relevant existing standard operating procedures (SoPs) for other community-level natural resources co-management organisations, if/where available, for example SOPs for community organisations in the fisheries, wildlife or forestry sectors in Kenya, or for BMUs in Uganda and Tanzania.
- In partnership with KEMFSED, SDFABE, KeFS and established CMA and MCS technical committees, lead the organisation and facilitation of one or more consultative workshops or seminars with the objective of identifying the structure and content of BMU standard operating procedures (SoPs),
- Prepare draft BMU Standard Operating Procedures and present to KEMFSED, SDFABE, KeFS, County Government Fisheries authorities and other selected stakeholders for comment, in a small seminar setting.
- Prepare and submit final revised versions of SoPs to KEMFSED, SDFABE, KeFS and County Government incorporating comments from task 3.11 above as appropriate.
Web-based platform for BMU performance monitoring and reporting
- With reference to section 3.11 (bullet 5) of the ToRs, namely development of BMU performance monitoring indicators and related data collection and management protocols, the consultants will work closely with separate IT consult ants contracted to develop a web-based fisheries information management system (FIMS), also under KEMFSED project.
- Develop a training and sensitization plan
The training plan should contain two main elements:
- Training-of-trainers (ToT) training targeting national (KEMFSED, SDFABE and KeFS) and county fisheries staff, and relevant NGO personnel, including those working on JCMA development under KEMFSED.
- Roll-out of training to County extension staff and BMUs covering all Indian Ocean BMUs within the 5 coastal counties, targeting BMU executive committees and BMU assemblies
- Design and produce summary training materials that complement each of the training manuals referred in section 3.16 of the ToRs.
- Conduct training of trainers as per the training plan prepared
- Facilitate and support roll-out of training to BMUs,
- Prepare a final training report covering all training activities undertaken above with details as outlined in the ToRs.
- b)Reporting requirement
The technical supervision and approvals for this consultancy will be made by the Sub-component 1.2 coordinator through the County Co-Management Committees chaired by County Director of Fisheries in their respective counties. The consultant will provide an update on a weekly basis with regards to the progress on tasks implementation.
- c)Duration and arrangement of Die assignment
The tasks will be conducted within 24 months from contract signing. The contract will be undertaken ensuring full consistency with the Terms of References (TOR) that is referred to in the Request for Expression of Interest (REOI).
- d)Terms of References:
Detailed TOR for the assignment can be:
- a)found on the following website:
- b)requested by sending an email to:
- c)website and
- d)obtained at the address given below.
The Ministry through the project at SDFA&BE now invites eligible consulting firms (consultants) to express their interest in providing the services. Interested consultants should provide information demonstrating that they have the required qualifications and relevant experience to perform the services. Shortlisting criteria include at least two similar assignments undertaken in the last 10 years, experience in similar conditions
The attention of interested consultants is drawn to Section III paragraph 3.14, 3.16 and 3.17 of the World Bank’s Procurement Regulations for IPF Borrowers July 2016 and revised in November 2017 and August 2018, November 2020 (Procurement Regulations) setting forth the World Bank’s policy on conflict of interest.
The consultant firm will be selected in accordance with the Quality and Cost Based Selection -QCBS method set out in the World Bank’s Procurement Regulations. Further information can be obtained at the address below Monday to Friday during office hours 0800 to 1700 hours.
Expressions of Interest clearly marked on top (REOI Consultancy Services for Provision of a Technical Support on CMA Guidelines SOPs TOT and Performance Monitoring Systems. Contract No. KE-MOALF-C1-2021- 003-QCBS and tender No: MOALF&C/SDFA&BE/8/2021-22 must be delivered in written form to the address below (in person, or by mail, or by e-mail or placed in the tender box located at Maji House 3rd Floor on or before 18th November 2021 by 11.00AM (EAT).
Postal address
The Project Coordinator Kenya Marine Fisheries and Socio Economic Development (KEMFSED) Project State Department for Fisheries Aquaculture and the Blue Economy Ministry of Agriculture Livestock Fisheries and Co-operatives Maktaba Kuu Building, Mezzanine Floor Ngong Road, Nairobi |
Physical address
Attn: The Principal Secretary, State Department for Fisheries Aquaculture and the Blue Economy Ministry of Agriculture Livestock Fisheries and Co-operatives Maji House 3rd Floor Ngong Road, Nairobi |
Email: Tel: +254-20-2718870 | Website: |