Wajir county Assembly invites interested and eligible bidders for the under- listed project
1 | WCA/T/001/2021-2022 | PROVISION OF MEDICAL COVER FOR THE COUNTY ASSEMBLY OF WAJIR STAFF. | Insurance underwriting companies only, licensed by the insurance regulatory authority to transact business in Kenya. The tender is renewable after every one year for up to a period of three years subject to performance of the contracted company. |
The following are mandatory requirements that must be submitted together with the bids:
- Copy of certificate of registration/incorporation from the register of companies
- Copy of valid tax compliance certificate from Kenya revenue authority.
- Must fill the price schedule in the format provided in the tender document
- Must fill the form of tender in the format provided in the tender document
- Must submit a tender security of 2% of tender sum valid forl20 days after date of tender opening
- Must submit a dully fill up confidential business
- Must be registered with the insurance regulatory for the year 2021 and a copy of the current licence be submitted.
- Medical cover must be both in-patient and out -patient as one package under one underwriter and no co-sharing.
- Must have been in existence for the last five years.
- Must be a current member of the association of Kenya insurance (AKI). Please provide copy of membership certificate.
- Must submit letters confirming credit facilities for the last one year [July2020 to June 2021].
- Must cover the conditions listed in the tender document for both in-patient and out patient
- Fill questionnaire in the format provided in the tender document.
Interest eligible candidate may obtain further information and inspect the tender document at the procurement office, County Assembly of Wajir, during normal working hours, or email:
A complete set of tender document may be obtained by interested candidates from the county assembly of Wajir website:
All bidders are required to forward their particulars to the procurement office for recording purposes and receiving any further tender clarifications and / or addenda
The bid shall be enclosed in a plain sealed envelope clearly marked with the tender number and tender name in two [2] copies of an ORIGINAL and a COPY and deposited in the box situated at Wajir county assembly offices. So as to be received on or before Friday, 10th December, 2021 at 10.00 AM. Opening of the bids will take place immediately thereafter at the Wajir county assembly boardroom in the presence of firms representatives who choose to attend.
Wajir county assembly reserves the right to accept or reject any tender in whole or in part and does not liable itself to accept any tender or to give reasons for its rejection. County assembly of Wajir is not bound to award tender to the lowest bidder or bidder whatsoever.
Shalle Sheikh
Clerk -County Assembly of Wajir.