TENDER NO. IPOA/01/2021-2022:
The Independent Policing Oversight Authority (IPOA) hereby invites tenderers (Insurance Underwriters) to submit sealed tenders for the provision of medical insurance cover for a period of two years, initially for one year and renewable for the second year subject to satisfactory performance.
The Tender document detailing requirements may be obtained from Procurement Office, located on 2nd Floor, ACK Garden Annex, 1st Ngong Avenue, Nairobi on working days between 0900 hrs and 1600 hrs upon payment of a non-refundable fee of Kenya Shillings One Thousand (Ksh.1,000.00) only. Payment shall be made in cash at the Accounts Office on 3rd Floor, ACK Garden Annex.
The document can also be viewed and downloaded from our website or from Treasury tender portal, free of charge. Bidders who download the tender document from the website should forward their particulars immediately for records and communication of any further clarifications or addenda. Enquires can be made via email address: Bidders are advised to regularly visit IPOA website to obtain any additional information/addendum on the tender.
Tenderers should submit the completed tender document, in plain, sealed envelopes indicating the “Tender Number and Tender Description” as described in the tender document and must be accompanied by a tender security of 1.5% of the total bid price in the form of a bank guarantee or banker’s cheque from a reputable bank or from an insurance company approved by the Public Procurement Regulatory Authority (PPRA), payable to IPOA and valid for one hundred and twenty (120) days from date of tender opening.
Premiums quoted should be net inclusive of all taxes, must be in Kenya Shillings and should remain valid for ninety (90) days after date of tender opening. The premiums should be provided on an annual basis.
Completed tender documents are to be deposited on or before Thursday 26th May, 2022 at 11.30 hrs in the Tender Box provided at IPOA, 2nd floor, ACK Garden Annex on 1st Ngong Avenue, Nairobi or be addressed to:
Director/ Chief Executive Officer,
Independent Policing Oversight Authority,
ACK Garden Annex, 3rd Floor,
P.O.Box 23035 – 00100,
Submitted bids will be opened in the Boardroom, soon after the above stated closing date and time in the presence of tenderers or their representatives who choose to attend. Late bids will be returned unopened. Any direct or indirect canvassing will lead to automatic disqualification of bidders.
Director/ Chief Executive Officer Independent Policing Oversight Authority
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