Selection Based on the Quality and Cost Based Selection (QCBS) Method
Country : | KENYA |
Name of Project : | Kenya Youth Employment Opportunities Project (KYEOP) |
Credit No. : | 5812-KE |
Assignment Title : | Provision of Online Job Search Support, Internship and Employment Placement Services for KYEOP trainees |
Tender Reference No.: | KE-M PYG-274020- CS-QC BS |
The Government of Kenya has received financing from the World Bank toward the cost of the Kenya Youth Employment and Opportunities Project (KYEOP), and intends to apply part of the proceeds for consulting services (“the Services”).
The project targets unemployed young men and women of 18-29 years with no more than a secondary education who are unemployed or working in vulnerable jobs. The project is implemented in a component approach which includes; 1) improving employability 2) support for job creation, 3) improving labor market information and, 4) strengthening youth policy development and project management.
The rationale of this Consultancy assignment is to place approximately 3,001 KYEOP trainees, who have not been successfully placed by Formal Training Providers, in internship and employment using a proven online platform.
The Ministry of ICT, Innovation and Youth Affairs (State Department for Youth Affairs) now invites eligible consulting firms (“Consultants”) to indicate their interest in providing the Services. Interested Consultants should provide information demonstrating that they have the required qualifications and relevant experience to perform the Services.
The shortlisting criteria are:
Mandatory requirements
Registration Certificate, Valid Tax Compliance Certificate, Signed & Stamped Confidential Business Questionnaire, Valid Business Permit and, all pages of the REOI MUST be serialized, signed and stamped. Failure to submit any of the above documents will lead to automatic disqualification from further evaluation.
Shortlisting Qualifications
- Possess and operate an Online employment platform that is operational and placed a minimum of 1,000 applicants in employment (provide proof);
- At least 1 assignment in employment drives and campaigns using own platform;
- Placed applicants in employment in at least 1 county in Kenya.
- Experience working in a similar project, with placement in internship and job placement of youth with no more than secondary education in diverse occupational areas;
- Have employers in the platform working in diverse economic sectors in Kenya;
- Readiness to implement: Has a back office structure and team available that has experience in implementing youth projects including placement in internship and job placement; and
- An added advantage if the Consultant has employer umbrella bodies in its platforms or evidence of working agreements with umbrella employer bodies.
Key Experts will not be evaluated at the shortlisting stage.
The attention of interested Consultants is drawn to paragraph 1.9 of the World Bank’s Guidelines: Selection and Employment of Consultants under IBRD Loans and IDA Credits & Grants by World Bank Borrowers, January 2011 Revised July 2014 (“Consultant Guidelines”), setting forth the World Bank’s policy on conflict of interest. In addition, please refer to the following specific information on conflict of interest related to this assignment: 1.9 (b) of Consultant Guidelines.
Consultants may associate with other firms to enhance their qualifications but should indicate clearly whether the association is in the form of a joint venture and/ or sub-consultancy. In the case of joint venture, all the partners of the joint venture shall be jointly and severally liable for the entire contract if selected. However, the experience of sub-consultant will not be considered while short-listing. A Consultant will be selected in accordance with the Selection Based on the Quality and Cost Based Selection (QCBS) method set out in the Consultant Guidelines.
Interested eligible candidates may obtain further information at the State Department for Youth Affairs Headquarters, P. O. Box 30050 – 00100, Nairobi, located in Bruce House 3rd Floor, Standard Street – Nairobi at the Project Procurement Office, during office working hours.
Complete REOI enclosed in plain sealed envelope marked with the Tender Reference Number and addressed to the Principal Secretary, State Department for Youth Affairs P. O. Box 30050 – 00100, Nairobi, Kenya should be deposited in the tender box located in Bruce House 3rd Floor so as to be received on or before Tuesday 22nd February 2022, at 11.00 hours.
The REOI will be opened immediately thereafter in the presence of the candidates or their representatives at the KYEOP Boardroom located in Bruce House 3rd Floor Standard Street Nairobi.
Head Supply Chain Management Unit