As you are aware, the Kenya Meteorological Department has issued an early warning that the El-Nino phenomena may be experienced
in our country from the month of October 2023. They have warned of above average rains which may result in flooding.
In previous flooding incidents, urban areas have experienced clogging of the drainage infrastructure by waste especially from packaging,
textiles and diapers among others. This exacerbates the flooding menace leading to loss of life and property. Further, the
post-consumer waste degrades our wetland ecosystems such as rivers, lakes, swamps, oceans among others
In view of the above, the Authority advises as follows:-
1. Members of the public to ensure that they keep off ecologically sensitive areas prone to flood incidences such as riparian,
hill tops and areas prone to land-slides.
2. County Governments and other relevant entities to ensure storm drains are cleared of any materials that hinder free flow
of storm water
3. Owners of dams, water pans and earth dams and other water bodies should institute appropriate risk management
measures including dam inspections, monitoring and maintenance systems, emergency preparedness, communication and
community outreach systems to safeguard public safety and the environment.
4. All project owners should ensure that they adhere to the conditions of the Environmental Impact Assessment licenses
issued by the Authority as well as the Environmental management plans submitted to NEMA.
5. Operators and owners of any facility storing chemicals to take appropriate measures to prevent flood water getting into
contact with the chemicals.
6. Producers: Attention to Section 13 of the Sustainable Waste Management Act, 2022 requires producers to bear mandatory
Extended Producer Responsibility obligations to reduce pollution and environmental impacts of the products they introduce
to the Kenyan market and waste arising therefrom. In this regard the producers should ensure that their post-consumer
waste does not clog drainage systems, obstruct flow of rivers or cause pollution to the ecosystems. The Authority shall not
hesitate to take legal action on any producer and associated Producer Responsibility organizations (PRO) whose product or
packaging is found littering the environment.
The Authority remains committed to ensuring a clean, healthy and sustainable environment for all. Our environment, Our life, our
Director General
National Environment Management Authority
P.O Box 67839 – 00200, NAIROBI.
Eland House, Popo Road
Tel: 254-20-2183718, 2101370
Mobile: 0724253398, 0723363010, 0735013046