Tender are invited for the supply and Delivery of under listed for the year 2021.

GBHS/01/2021 Supply and delivery of fresh meat Open
GBHS/02/2021 Supply and delivery of fresh milk Reserved
GBHS/03/2021 Supply and delivery of Cabbages, Potatoes, Carrots Open
GBHS/04/2021 Supply and delivery of dry Cereals ( Maize and Beans) Open
GBHS/05/2021 Supply and delivery of Food Stuffs (cooking fat, rice etc.) Open
GBHS/06/2021 Supply and delivery of Fresh Fruits Reserved
GBHS/07/2021 Supply and delivery of Eggs Reserved
GBHS/08/2021 Supply and delivery of Charcoal & Fire wood Open
GBHS/09/2021 Supply and delivery of General Stationeries & Office equipment Open
GBHS/10/2021 Supply and delivery of Printed Stationeries Open
GBHS/11/2021 Supply and delivery of Lab Equipment & Chemicals Open
GBHS/12/2021 Supply and delivery of Students Beds , Lockers & Chairs Open
GBHS/13/2021 Supply and delivery of Hardware materials (Paints, Cements etc) Open
GBHS/14/2021 Supply and delivery of Building materials, Sand , Stones & Ballast Open
GBHS/15/2021 Supply and delivery of Mattresses, Bed sheets & Bed Covers Open
GBHS/16/2021 Supply and delivery of Electrical Fittings & Appliances Reserved
GBHS/17/2021 Supply and delivery of Dispensary Drugs Open
GBHS/18/2021 Supply and delivery of Motor Vehicle Fuel & Lubricants Open
GBHS/19/2021 Supply and delivery of Computer Tonner & Accessories Open
GBHS/20/2021 Supply and delivery of Farm Inputs & Animal Feeds Reserved
GBHS/21/2021 Supply and delivery of Students Uniform Open
GBHS/22/2021 Supply and delivery of Workers Uniform Open
GBHS/23/2021 Supply and delivery of Games Equipment Open
GBHS/24/2021 Supply and delivery of Detergents & Disinfectants Reserved
GBHS/25/2021 Provision of Insurance Cover for School Vehicles Open
GBHS/26/2021 Provision of Insurance Cover for School properties Open
GBHS/27/2021 Provision of Servicing of vehicle & Repairs Open
GBHS/28/2021 Supply and delivery of Maize Flour Open
GBHS/29/2021 Supply and delivery of White Sugar Open
GBHS/30/2021 Provision of Sanitary / Exhauster Services Open

Tender documents should be obtained from Accounts Office during working hours
upon payment of non-refundable fee of Kshs.1,000/= per set of tender document.

Completed Forms in Plain Sealed envelopes Marked Tender No:….  For supply of….. should be forwarded to:

The Principal / Secretary
Board of Management
Githumu Boys’ High School
P.O Box 468-01000, THIKA

Deposited in the Tender Box in School Offices so as to reach the School not later than 31st December 2020 at 12.00 noon. The bids will be opened thereafter in the presence of bidders or their representatives who wish to attend.

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