Country: United Republic of Tanzania
Name of Project: EAC Statistics Development and Harmonisation Regional Project Contract title: Database Management Consultant
Loan No. /Credit No./ Grant No.: IDA Grant No. D3630. Project ID: PI64243
- Background
The East African Community (EAC) is a regional organization mandated by the Governments of the Republic of Burundi, Republic of Kenya, Republic of Rwanda, Republic of South Sudan, the United Republic of Tanzania, and the Republic of Uganda to spearhead the East African economic, social and political integration agenda. The Vision of the EAC is to become an upper- middle income region within a secure and politically united East Africa based on principles of inclusiveness and accountability. The key building blocks towards economic, social and political integration of the region as articulated in the Treaty ;or the Establishment of the East African Community include the Customs Union, Common Market, Monetary Union and ultimately the Political Federation.
The need for robust and regionally comparable statistical data is crucial in the EAC integration process since it serves as a basis for measuring the progress towards achieving the commitments to the EAC integration.
To support strengthening of the EAC statistical system and get it to contribute to the community integration objective, the EAC Secretariat has secured a grant from the World Bank to implement a 5-year Project, the EAC Statistics Development and Harmonization Regional Project (EAC/Stat-DHRP).
The objective of this project is to strengthen the capacity of the National Statistical Offices of the EAC Partner States and the EAC Secretariat to produce harmonized and quality statistics in support of the regional integration and development The activities of the project focus on the following: National Accounts statistics; Consumer Price Index statistics; Poverty statistics; External Sector statistics; Agriculture Food and Nutrition Statistics; Government Finance Statistics; Monetary and Finance Statistics; Data Management and Communication and advocacy system.
To support dissemination of harmonized community statistics, the service of a data management specialist is essential. The Data management consultant will support the use of harmonized data compilation tools to be implemented by the Partner States’ NSOs to compile the important statistics, especially in the areas of national accounts, price and trade Statistics. The objective is to ensure availability of produced information in organized and properly managed way to facilitate data availability and accessibility.
- Overall objectives of the assignment:
The main purpose of the assignment is to enhance the database management and dissemination of EAC socio-economic statistics in EAC, its Partner States and other stakeholders. The Database Management Consultant will work closely with the technical team and report to the Project Manager.
- Specific objectives of the assignment
The Specific objectives of the assignment are to:
- a)Put in place an operational statistical database at the EAC secretariat; and
- b)Enhance the capacity of the National Statistics Offices in their data management and dissemination platforms.
- Specific Tasks of file assignment
- a)Enhance the development, update and maintenance of the statistics databases at the EAC Secretariat to support effective dissemination of EAC statistical data;
- b)Build the capacity of the Partner States to maintain and regularly update their Open Data Platform (ODPs) to support exchange of statistical information;
- c)Advise on appropriate national and regional frameworks for statistical databases management;
- d)Identify challenges to timely data exchange at Partner States and EAC level and develop pragmatic proposals for address them;
- e)Ensure the quality of EAC statistics portal and databases and their timely updating;
- f)Liaise with international agencies to champion adoption of a data sharing technology for the region (such as SDMX technology), that overcomes the differences in database architectures adopted by various producers of data to ease data and metadata sharing in the Community;
- g)Provide technical backstopping to Partner States at various stages of database development and management.
- h)Establish a framework for regular and timely submission of statistical data to the Secretariat and ensuring compliance to the agreed submission deadlines;
- i)Provide a platform for comprehensive exchange of experiences and sharing the regional capacities among EAC Partner States.
- Qualifications and experience
- a)A Master’s degree from a recognized University/ Institution in either Statistics; mathematics, Computer Science, Information Technology or related field;
- b)At least 8 years demonstrated experience in design, development, and management of statistical data bases , 3 of which must be at senior level; and
- c)Certificate of either Microsoft Access; SQL Sender or any other professional certification will be an added advantage.
- Competencies and skills
- a)Excellent knowledge of database software including ACCESS, STATA, SPSS, R, and/or other statistical programs;
- b)Ability to design the structure of databases and write appropriate interfaces for data entry and ensure data quality and security;
- c)Ability to use Microsoft Access databases for statistical purposes such as collection, analysis and dissemination;
- d)Experience in capacity building programs including managing, training and supporting staff; and
- e)Team work, effective communication, fluent in English, computer, statistical, analytical, conceptual ability to work in a multicultural environment and establish harmonious and effective relationships with national, regional and international partners.
- Duration of the Contract
The consultant work will be for a period of 1 year. The contract may be renewed subject to satisfactory performance, continued need for the service, and availability of funds.
- Methodology
The consultant is expected to propose a suitable and acceptable methodology to execute the tasks based on the proposed objectives of the assignment
- Deliverable
- The database is available 9 months from the singing of the contract
- Training of the staff on the database
- Payment modalities
The contract will be time based and payment made on monthly basis.
- Application requirements
Interested individuals should provide:
- An expression of interest letter;
- Three (3) reference of similar executed works; and
III. The CV of technical expert
- Copies of certificates and experience letters
- Evaluation terms
The evaluation will be based on CV and interview.
- Submission of Applications
Interested individuals of East African Countries should submit their applications electronically not later than, 6th November 2020 at 11.00 Hrs. East African Standard time.
The attention of interested Consultants is drawn to paragraphs 3.14, 3.16 and 3.17 of the World Bank’s Procurement Regulations for IPF Borrowers: Procurement in Investment Financing – Goods. Works. Non-Consulting and Consulting Services dated July 2016 and revised in November 2017 and August 2018, (“Procurement Regulations”), setting forth the World Bank’s policy on conflict of interest.
A Consultant will be selected in accordance with the Individual Consultant Selection (ICS) method set out in the Procurement Regulations.
- Request for information:
Please address your request for information to:
Secretary General, EAC
Attn: Project Manager,
East African Community Statistics Development and Harmonisation Regional Project (EAC Stat-DHRP),
East African Community (EAC) Headquarters,
Afrika Mashariki Rd. / Kilimanjaro Wing, Fifth Floor, Room # 525/526, P.0 Box 1096, Arusha,Tanzania
E-mail: vmwitirehe@eachq.org: snjuru@eachq.org : tkenyi@eachq.org