PROJECT NO.: P145559
CONTRACT NO.: MOWSI/KWSCRP-2/004/2022-2023 (KE-MOWI-307707-CS-QCBS)
1. The Mwache Dam Project (including pilot irrigation scheme and check dams) were identified by the Government
of Kenya as a flagship project under the Kenya Vision 2030 and as a necessary facility to supplement water supply
for Mombasa City and the adjacent areas in Kinango District in Kwale County. The objectives of the Mwache Dam
Project are to improve the living standards of Kwale County and Mombasa residents through poverty alleviation and
sustainable development.
2. The Government of Kenya through the Ministry of Water, Sanitation and Irrigation (MoWSI) has received financing
from the World Bank toward the cost of the Coastal Region Water Security and Climate Resilience Project and
intends to apply part of the proceeds from this financing for Consultancy services for Mwache Dam and Upper
Check Dam Documentary project.
3. The main objective of this assignment will be to design and develop a comprehensive visual documentation of the
project site, the people, the settlements, and the construction activities as a project “history”. This will be in order
to compare pre- and post-project benefits and changes brought about by the project. The documentary of the
Mwache Dam Project will constitute an important step for recording, dissemination and thus establish the “vision”
of the Dam project. The consultant will be expected to interview project affected persons, community members
and all other relevant stakeholders to get human interest stories around the various project activities undertaken
spanning over the project life. The documentary should include stories and narratives around compensation and
resettlement, livelihood restoration, catchment management, demo farm activities among other others. In addition
to this the consultant will provide a high-quality digital photo album cum documentary. The intention is to capture
the project footprint as well as human interest stories related to project impacts.
The key objectives of the documentary are to:
Tell the story/vision of the Mwache Dam Project using different narratives that include and not limited to the following:
Water scarcity in Mombasa and Kwale, huge needs now and in future for households and industry to grow. Place of
Mwache within overall water security story
Inclusive development – local benefits, consent and fair compensation in locality. Process of resettlement, livelihood
support and Kwale component.
Sustainable management and improvement of performance (JA, Performance Improvement Program, institutional, legal
and financial reform)
Sustaining the service through integrated watershed/catchment management (basin planning, catchment management
activities, sustainable financing
Broader water security: awareness, education
Capture testimonies from different stakeholders within the project including the project affected persons, using educational
videos and infographics (the appropriate type of infographic should be selected that best tells the story being captured)
and any other appropriate media.
Document the historical and emerging perspectives related to the project implementation over the project period. These
include the before/after changes in livelihoods, physical setting but mostly in life stories; changes in perspectives from
different stakeholders/affected people and how these change over time: before/after changes in livelihoods, physical
setting but mostly in life stories; and, edit and stitch together the “Moving of Spirits” mini documentary for which there
is already a footage.
4. The duration of the consultancy services will be over a period of four (4) years.
5. The detailed Terms of Reference (TOR) for the assignment can be found at Ministry’s website
6. The Ministry of Water, Sanitation and Irrigation, State Department for Irrigation now invites eligible consulting firms
(“Consultants”) to express their interest in providing the Services. Interested Consultants should provide information
demonstrating that they have the required qualifications and relevant experience to perform the Services. The
short-listing criteria are:
i. Relevance and suitability of the applicant’s core business to the assignment.
ii. The consultancy firm should demonstrate experience of more than five (5) years in conception, production
and editing of mini video documentaries, photography and videography for similar projects/
iii. Should share their portfolio outlining experience and previous photography and videography work
(e.g., approach to the documentary, tools, and technology to be used, staffing for the documentary,
etc.). in the developing country context covering social and development subjects (preferably experience
doing similar work in rural community areas).
iv. Demonstrated technical, managerial, administrative and financial capabilities of the firm.
Please Note: Key experts’ bio data (CV) will not be evaluated at this stage.
7. The attention of interested Consultants is drawn to Section III, paragraphs, 3.14, 3.16, and 3.17 of the World Bank’s
“Procurement Regulations for IPF Borrowers” July 2016 and revised in October 2017, August 2018 and November
2020 setting forth the World Bank’s policy on conflict of interest.
8. Consultants may associate with other firms to enhance their qualifications, but should indicate clearly whether the
association is in the form of a joint venture and/or a sub-consultancy. In the case of a joint venture, all the partners
in the joint venture shall be jointly and severally liable for the entire contract, if selected.
9. A Consultant will be selected in accordance with the Quality and Cost Based Section (QCBS) method set out in the
Procurement Regulations.
10. Further information can be obtained at the address below during office hours between 0900 to 1600 hours from
Monday to Friday excluding lunch hour (1300 to 1400Hrs) and public holidays.
11. Expression of interest must be delivered in a written form to the address below in person or by mail or by e-mail
so as to be received on or before 30th May 2023 at 1000 hours Local Time. For expressions of interest that will
be deposited at the Tender Box on Ground Floor, Maji House, Ngong Road, Nairobi, the packages should be clearly
marked “Consultancy Services for Mwache Dam and Upper Check Dam Documentary Project; Contract No.:
MOWSI/KWSCRP-2/004/2022-2023 (KE-MOWI-307707-CS-QCBS)” addressed to:
Principal Secretary
Ministry of Water, Sanitation and Irrigation
State Department for Irrigation
Maji House, Ngong Road
5th Floor Room No. 513/547
P.O. Box 49720-00100, Nairobi.
Tel: +254 20 2716103 Ext. 42335/42260
Email: , Website: