Reference No.: CBK-023 -2022-2023
Name of Assignment: request for proposal for provision of First Aid training for Central Bank of Kenya
Provision of first aid training for Central Bank of Kenya
1. The Central Bank of Kenya has set aside funds in its budget toward the cost of Provision of First Aid Training
for Central Bank of Kenya Head Office, Branches & Centres
2. The Central Bank of Kenya now invites proposals to provide First Aid Training for Central Bank of Kenya.
More details on the Services are provided in Section 5 Terms of Reference.
3. This Request for Proposals (RFP) is invited through National Open Tender and is open to eligible first aid
training services.
4. If a Consultant is a Joint Venture (JV), the full name of the JV shall be used and all members, starting with the
name of the lead member. Where sub-consultants have been proposed, they shall be named. The maximum
number of JV members shall be specified in the DS.
5. It is not permissible to transfer this RFP to any other firm.
6. A firm will be selected under Quality and Cost Based Selection (QCBS) method and in a format as described
in this RFP, in accordance with the Public Procurement and Asset Disposal Act 2015, a copy of which is found
at the following website: www.ppra.go.ke.
7. The Request for Proposal consist of: Section 1: Letter of Request for Proposals Section2: Instructions to
Consultants and Data Sheet Section 3: Technical Proposal Standard Forms Section 4: Financial Proposal
Standard Forms Section 5: Terms of Reference & Section 6: Standard Forms of Contract Lump-Sum.
8. Please inform us using the email: supplies@centralbank.go.ke whether you intend to submit a proposal alone
or intend to enhance your experience by requesting permission to associate with other firm(s).
9. The Technical Proposal and Financial proposal are to be put in different envelops clearly marked “Technical
Proposal” and “Financial Proposal” and sealed in one outer envelope. Completed Request for Proposal
documents should be deposited in the Green Tender Box No. 3 at the main entrance, ground floor of Central
Bank of Kenya along Haile Selassie Avenue, or posted using the address Director, General Services
Department, Central Bank of Kenya, P. O. Box 60000- 00200, Nairobi, Kenya, Haile Selassie Avenue so
as to be received on or before 9th September 2022 at 10:30am. More details on the proposal’s submission
date, time and address are provided in the ITC 18.5 of the Data Sheet.
10. The Technical Proposal document will be opened immediately after the closing time in the Mezzanine Floor
Conference Room, Central Bank of Kenya Head Office in Nairobi. Interested tenderers or their representatives
may attend the tender opening. The Financial Proposals for bidders meeting the technical requirements will be
opened later during evaluation of bids in the presence of the respective bidders who choose to attend.
11. Consultants are required to serialize all the pages of the bid document submitted including any addendum,
appendixes and attachments.
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