State Department of Tourism & Wildlife Tender 2020 

Entity Type State Department
Entity Name State Department of Tourism & Wildlife
Tender Reference Number SDW/RFP/001/2020-2021
Tender Title Request for Proposal (RFP) for Consultancy Services to Review the Wildlife Conservation and Management Act, No. 47 of 2013
Tender Category Consultancy Servies
Tender Type Request for Proposal
Tender Application Fee 0
Date Published 15th-Sep-2020
Submission Closing Date 29th-Sep-2020
Tender Opening Venue NSSF Building, Block-A, Eastern Wing, 15th Floor
Tender Opening Date 29th-Sep-2020
Tender Opening Time 12:00:00
Tender Status Published
Other Details Request for Proposal (RFP) for Consultancy Services  to Review the Wildlife Conservation and Management Act, No. 47 of 2013


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