Trade and Development Bank Group (TDB) is a specialized African multilateral financial institution serving the Eastern and Southern Africa. TDB’s objective is to provide short, medium and long-term financing to viable projects and trade finance activities in member states.

The TDB office building consists of 19 (nineteen) floors and 3 (three) Basement Grade A Tower. The Bank is looking to engage Service provider for its Operational Security System to support the Building Architecture on a periodic quarterly maintenance of the building as follows.

1)    Two (2) Day Operational Security Officers

2)    One (1) Night Operational Security Officer

3)    One (1) Overall Supervisor Security Officer

The proposal(s) must include:

  • Firms Technical and Financial Proposal (s) in Kenya Shillings VAT Exclusive.
  • A written proposal showcasing the firm’s understanding of scope of works, equipment available for works, and previous experience. The written proposal is to indicate the work methodology detailing all scope listed in the terms of reference.
  • Team composition and current similar task assignment for at least two similar current Buildings.
  • Detailed reference list indicating the scope and magnitude of similar assignments done in the last three (3) years.
  • Legally certified copies of Registration certificates, Memorandum and Articles of Association, Form CR12, Trading Licenses and other statutory documents including valid Tax Compliance Certificate (those without valid TCC are advised not to apply) and passport or ID copies of the shareholders and directors of the firm and valid license to undertake the services.
  • 5 corporate references for similar works with contact details and
  • Any certification membership of applicable professional bodies will be an added advantage.

Interested and eligible firms may download the TOR information for reference and the RFP submission guidelines from our website: . Respondents to the RPF should submit their documents zipped and sent to:  as subject matter labeled EXPRESSION OF INTEREST FOR SECURITY SERVICES to reach us before the closure of business on September, 25th 2024.

All enquiries/Clarifications to be sent in writing to: .

Disclaimers: TDB Group reserves the right to independently verify submitted documents, listed clients and projects. TDB Group is not obliged to give reason for not selecting any firm or discontinuing the bidding process.

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