Trade and Development Bank (TDB) formally known as PTA Bank, is a specialized African multilateral financial institution serving most of the Eastern and Southern Africa. The Bank’s objective is to provide short, medium and long-term financing to viable projects and trade finance activities in member states. TDB is currently carrying out the development of a commercial building (The TDB Nairobi Office Development Project [NODP]) along Lenana Road opposite Sri-Lanka High Commission. The proposed office building consists of a 19 storeyed (Ground + 18 floors and three Basement) Grade A office tower. Construction of the EDGE-Certified building, which is going to serve as the Bank’s main office in Nairobi, is expected to be completed soon. The Bank is looking for a suitable firm to install a Privacy wall Screening along its perimeter as per below specifications.
Category A- 6 Meters High
Privacy wail screen measuring 217m x 6m high comprising of 90% double layered shade net material. The Framing will be anchored to the wall structure.
Category B- 15 Meters High
Wall screen measuring 217m x 15m high Comprising of 90% double layered shade net material. The Framing will be supported on concreted.
ü Evidence of due registration with relevant statutory bodies and letters of authority from relevant bodies. Company Physical locations, Branches Legal Domicile etc.
ü List of current clients and their references
ü Any other information the firm may wish to make available relevant to the service
ü Legally certified copies of Registration certificates, Memorandum and Articles of Association, and updated Form CR12.
ü Legally certified Trading Licenses and other statutory documents including valid Tax Compliance Certificate (those without valid TCC are advised not to apply) and passport or ID copies of the shareholders and directors of the firm and valid license to undertake the services.
Respondents to the RPF should submit their documents zipped and sent to; as subject matter labeled RFQ FOR PRIVACY WALL. SCREENING -NAIROBI OFFICE DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (NOP) to reach us on or before the closure of business on 8th June, 2023:
Bidders are encouraged to visit the site TDB Tower along Lenana Road during official working hours 8.30 am – 5.30 pm within the bidding period for survey until 7th June, 2023.
Enquiries & Site Visit: /
Disclaimers: TDB reserves the right to independently verify bidding firms. TDB is not obliged to give reason for not selecting any firm. The Bank reserves the right to discontinue this process without reference to any entity.