Afya Sacco Society Limited hereby invites interested suppliers and service providers with suitable capabilities to be prequalified for supply of various categories of goods and provision of services and/or works for the period 2023
AFYA/P/001/2023 | Supply of General Printed Computer stationery. |
AFYA/P/002/2023 | Supply of Office Furniture. |
AFYA/P/003/2023 | Supply of Computers. Laptops, servers, and other Computer Hardware. |
AFYA/P/004/2023 | Supply of Marketing and Promotional materials. |
AFYA/P/005/2023 | Supply of Office Equipment & Fittings. [Copiers, Cash Counting Machine, Avaya IP Telephone, scanners etc.l |
AFYA/P/006/2023 | Supply of Staff Uniform |
AFYA/P/007/2023 | Supply of Mineral Water |
AFYA/P/008/2023 | Repair and maintenance of computers, printers, servers, laptops and peripherals. |
AFYA/P/009/2023 | Repair of office equipment, furniture and fittings. |
AFYA/P/010/2023 | Provision of Service & Maintenance of generators. |
AFYA/P/011/2023 | Provision Of Cleaning Services, Garbage Collection Fumigation And Sanitary Services |
AFYA/P/012/2023 | Maintenance of Air Conditioners in Nairobi and FOSA branches. |
AFYA/P/013/2023 | Repair and maintenance of Network Equipment and Cabling. |
AFYA/P/014/2023 | Provision of Bulk SMS services. |
AFYA/P/015/2023 | Provision of Website Hosting and maintenance. |
AFYA/P/016/2023 | Provision of internet Services, Leased Lines to branches fP2Pl and email services. |
AFYA/P/017/2023 | Provision of Insurance cover for IT assets. |
AFYA/P/018/2023 | Provision and maintenance of IP CCTV system, Provision of Biometric Access Mantrap doors at HQ and Fosas |
AFYA/P/019/2023 | Provision of Antivirus License and maintenance. |
AFYA/P/020/2023 | Provision of Disaster Recovery Services. |
AFYA/P/021/2023 | Provision of Fortinet 100D Licenses and maintenance. |
AFYA/P/022/2023 | Upgrade, Support & Maintenance of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central. |
AFYA/P/023/2023 | Provision of Courier Services. |
AFYA/P/024/2023 | Provision of Cash in transit, security and guarding services in the FOSA’s. |
AFYA/P/025/2023 | Repair and Maintenance of PABX Telephone heads and other telecommunication equipment and accessories for Nitsuko and AVAYA. T |
AFYA/P/026/2023 | Maintenance of strong room doors and safes services |
AFYA/P/027/2023 | Provision of ICT System Audit service |
AFYA/P/028/2023 | Provision of ICT System Security Service |
AFYA/P/029/2023 | Provision of Document Management System Service |
AFYA/P/030/2023 | Provision of Data Analytics Tool |
AFYA/P/031/2023 | Provision of Help Desk System |
AFYA/P/032/2023 | Provision of Customer Relationship Management Service |
AFYA/P/033/202 | Provision Of Statutory External Audit Services. |
AFYA/P/034/2023 | Provision Of Minor Building Civil Works, Painting, Plumbing, Electrical Works, Repairs And Maintenance at Afya Centre and Fosa Branches |
AFYA/P/035/2023 | Provision of Office Cleaning & Tea Making Services at Afya Centre |
AFYA/P/036/2023 | Provision of Electrical Services i.e Meter separation for Afya Center Building |
AFYA/P/037/2023 | Provision of Servicing, Repair and Maintenance of Lifts |
AFYA/P/038/2023 | Provision of Service, Repairs & Maintenance for Afya Sacco Motor Vehicle and MotorCycle |
AFYA/P/039/2023 | Provision of Electronic Security System |
All Eligible suppliers may obtain the Prequalification documents during normal working hours from the society’s procurement office at Afya Centre 3,d Floor upon payment of a non-refundable fee of Kshs.2,000 for each category of goods or services. Completed documents in plain sealed envelope clearly marked “Pre-qualification of Suppliers year 2023” stating Tender Number and Tender description, should be addressed and posted to:
The Chief Executive Officer
Afya Sacco Society Limited
P.O. Box 11607-00400
Or be deposited in the “Tender Box” situated on 7th Floor of Afya Centre marked Tender Box so as to reach us on or before 20th February 2023,12.00pm
Afya Sacco Society Ltd will open all tenders in the presence of tenderers’ representatives who choose to attend, at Afya Sacco Society’s Boardroom situated at Afya Centre 7th floor on 20th February 2023,12.00pm Youth Women and Persons with Disability are encouraged to apply.
Current suppliers and service providers are required to participate in order to be considered. All applicants who duly complete the prequalification process will be notified on the outcome of their applications after completion of the vetting process.
Afya Sacco Society Limited reserves the right to accept or reject any or all applications to the prequalification either in whole or in part.