Reference No.: EOI/MoALD/02/2023-2024
The Government of Kenya has identified the Cotton Textile and Apparels (CTA) value chain as one of the
priority sectors to drive the government development agenda, create jobs and increase export earnings.
For this to be achieved, there is need to ensure availability of adequate raw materials, particularly cotton
lint. It is estimated that the country has 385,000 hectares of land suitable to produce up to 73,000 MT
(400,000 bales) of cotton lint annually.
The current critical challenge is availability of adequate and quality seeds at affordable price to meet the
farmer needs. Over the years farmers have relied on recycled conventional cotton seed varieties which has
low productivity and susceptible to damage by cotton bollworms.
In an effort to mitigate the challenges, one of the initiatives pursued by the Government was to approve
the commercial cultivation of Bt Cotton in the year 2019. However, hybrid Bt cotton seed has been out
of reach to farmers due to the high cost and non-availability in the local agro-dealers’ networks. The full
potential of the hybrid varieties can only be realized under moderate to high rainfall, whereas conventional
varieties are tolerant to low moisture conditions. This requires consideration of more options for cotton
seed varieties.
The government is therefore soliciting for expression of interest (EoI) from interested and qualified suppliers
of cotton seed varieties (Hybrids, Bt and Open Pollinated Varieties). This EoI is Open to both Local,
Regional and International Bidders.
The Request for Expression of Interest (REoI) is intended to identify reputable and qualified suppliers of
cotton seed varieties (Hybrids, Bt and Open Pollinated Varieties).
1. The bidder will be required to provide seed materials that meet seed production regulatory requirements
by the government.
2. The seed materials will be subjected to National Performance Trials (NPTs) and Distinctness,
Uniformity and Stability (DUS) where applicable.
3. Seed materials with Bt traits will be subjected to National Biosafety Regulations.
4. Successful bidders will initially be allowed to import seed where applicable but thereafter be
required to develop a local seed production and distribution system locally.
Eligibility and qualification of bidders
The successful bidders are supposed to meet the following minimum requirements:
1. To demonstrate ownership of original genetic material or a license thereof
2. To demonstrate approval of cotton seed material in the country of operation
3. To demonstrate the technical expertise for seed development in a given market
4. Demonstrate a robust research, development and stewardship programme
The Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development (State Department for Crop Development) now
invites eligible suppliers to express their interest in providing the cotton seed in reference.
Shortlisting Criteria
Interested bidders must provide information to demonstrate their suitability for the roles including the
firm’s registration information and all other statutory documents, tax compliance, financial capability, local
support, and overall firm’s experience.
Note that: –
• The REoI must not include pricing/commercial proposal
• The receipt of a response shall not bind the government into any contractual agreement with the bidder
• Any costs associated with the response and submission of the REoI shall be borne by the vendor
• State if you intend to submit this bid as a joint venture or consortium or any other association
• Only suppliers who meet the government’s minimum requirements will be considered for further
Further information can be obtained at the address below during office hours i.e. 0800 to 1700 hours.
Questions from interested firms during the Expression of Interest period shall be in writing and addressed
to The Principal Secretary, State Department for Crop Development not later than seven (7) days from the
date of closing/opening the EOI’s. Further information can be obtained at the address below during
office 0800 to 1700 hours.
Expressions of interest must be delivered in a written form to the address below or be deposited in
the tender box situated on the ground floor, Kilimo House Building, on or before 11th July 2023, at
10.00 A.M Local Time.
The Principal Secretary
Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development
State Department for Crop Development
Attn: Head / Supply Chain Management Services
P. O. Box 30028-00100, Nairobi, Kenya