Tenders are invited for the Supply And Delivery Of Goods And Provision Of Services for the listed items from July 2022 -June 2023
NHS/01/2022/2023 | Dry Maize – 90kgs bag |
NHS/02/2022/2023 | Dry Beans- 90kes bae |
NHS/03/2022/2023 | Special Green Grams (Ndegu) – 90kes bae |
NHS/04/2022/2023 | Fresh Potatoes – 50kes bae |
NHS/05/2022/2023 | Fresh Cophen Cabbage per Kg |
NHS/06/2022/2023 | Tea Leaves per 500e packets |
N HS/07/2022/2023 | Onions per Kg |
NHS/08/2022/2023 | Fresh Meat (beef) per Kg |
NHS/09/2022 /2023 | Fresh Ripe Fruits (oranges. bananas and mangoes) – per piece |
NHS/10/2022/2023 | Fresh Milk per liter |
NHS/11/2022 /2023 | Fresh Quality Bread – sliced in quarters |
N HS/12/2022/2023 | Foodstuff (Sugar/Rice/Cooking fat/salt) |
NHS/13/2022/2023 | Dry firewood – blue elm per tonne |
NHS/14/2022/2023 | Supply and repair of Furniture – desks & chairs |
NHS/15/2022/2023 | Cleaning detergents and disinfectants & general cleaning materials |
NHS/16/2022/2023 | Laboratory equipment and chemicals |
N HS/17/2022/2023 | Laboratory repair and service |
NHS/18/2022/2023 | General stationery, branded exercise books and envelops |
NHS/19/2022/2023 | Sports uniform and Equipment |
NHS/20/20222023 | Insurance services – WIBA cover |
N HS/21/2022/2023 | Masters /Computer Ink/copy printer/cartridges |
NHS/22/20222023 | Computer Software. Accessories |
NHS/23/2022/2023 | Servicing and maintenance of photocopier/copy printer |
NHS/2 4/2022/2023 | Sanitary bins and servicing |
NHS/25/2022/2023 | Toilet(s) Exhaustion |
NHS/26/2022/2023 | Branded High Density Mattress (H.D 30 x 4) |
NHS/27/2022/2023 | Staff and students Uniform |
NHS/28/2022/2023 | Repair of Motor vehicle |
All prices must include cost of supply, delivery and taxes where applicable.
Tender bidders who wish to supply the above may obtain tender document(s) from the school’s accounts office during | normal working hours upon payment of Non – refundable fee of ksh. 1000 per set. Complete tender documents attached
with KRA tax compliance certificate enclosed in a plain sealed envelope marked “Tender No………..” should be returned to the
school during normal working hours and dropped in the tender box
The Secretary B.O.M
Nyandarua High School
P.0 BOX 61-20303
to be received on or before 12.00 noon 23rd JUNE 2022
Successful tenders will be notified thereafter.
NB: The school reserves the right to accept or reject any tender either wholly or in part and is not bound to give reason(s) for the same
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