Kisumu Girls High School invites sealed tenders from eligible firms for the supply and delivery of goods and services for financial year 2021

1 KGHS/PO/1/2021 Exercise books A4 with school logo 200oages Open
2 KGHS/PO/02/2021 School and office stationery Open
3 KGHS/PO/03/2021 B4 master. HP toners. Open
4 KGHS/PO/04/2021 Dry treated maize Open
5 KGHS/PO/05/2021 Dry, treated beans (rose cocoa/ nyayo) Reserved
6 KGHS/PO/06/2021 Fresh vegetables (kales, kienyeji cabbages, carrots.) Reserved
7 KGHS/PO/07/2021 Bread 400gms white/ brown (sliced into 1/4s)                Open
8 KGHS/PO/08/2021 Manufactured foodstuff (salt, maize meal, green grams, etc) Open
9 KGHS/PO/09/2021 Rice 5%broken, grade 1 Open
10 KGHS/PO/10/2021 Fresh fruits (mangoes, oranges, bananas) Reserved
11 KGHS/PO/11/2021 Milk powder Open
12 KGHS/PO/12/2021 Fresh Onions and Tomatoes Reserved
13 KGHS/PO/13/20211 Meat on bone(beef) Open
14 KGHS/PO/14/2021 Dry firewood, briquettes and charcoal Open
15 KGHS/PO/15/2021 Sugar & tealeaves Open
16 KGHS/PO/16/2021 Staff uniform Open
17 KGHS/PO/17/2021 Insurance cover for school vehicles Open
18 KGHS/PO/18/2021 Games & Sports equipment, and uniform Open
19 KGHS/PO/19/2021 Laboratory equipment, chemicals and apparatus Open
20 KGHS/PO/20/2021 [Disinfectants, detergents and cleaning materials(brushes. brooms.etc) Open
21 KGHS/PO/21/2021 Electrical materials Open
22 KGHS/PO/22/2021 Construction materials (blocks, stones, sand, ballast, timber. Poles, etc) Open
23 KGHS/PO/23/2021 Hardware materials (cement, nails. boards etc) Open
24 KGHS/PO/24/2021 Plumbing materials Open
25 KGHS/PO/25/2021 Computers. scanners, printers and other accessories Open
26 KGHS/PO/26/2021 ‘Student beds, dining tables, chairs and lockers Open
27 KGHS/PO/27/2021 Broilers Open    
28 KGHS/PO/28/2021 Eggs       Open
29 KGHS/PO/29/2021 Poultry feeds and supplements Open
30 KGHS/PO/30/2021 Sanatorium drugs Open
31 KGHS/PO/31/2021 Service and maintenance of photocopier and copy printer Open
32 KGHS/PO/32/2021 Service and maintenance of computers and related hardware Reserved
33 KGHS/PO/33/2021 Supply & Repair and maintenance of kitchen appliances (Energy saving, etc) Open
34 KGHS/PO/34/2021 Service and maintenance of fire extinguishers Open
35 KGHS/PO/35/2021 [Electrical service and maintenance Open
36 KGHS/PO/36/2021 Woodwork and carpentry service Open    
37 KGHS/PO/37/2021 Welding and metal work services Open
38 KGHS/PO/38/2021 Renovation of buildings and small works Open
39 KGHS/PO/39/2021 Plumbing services Open
40 KGHS/PO/40/2021 Security services Open
41 KGHS/PO/41/2021 Service and repair of school vehicles Open
42 KGHS/PO/42/2021 Printing services(envelopes. letterheads, diaries.etc) Reserved
43 KGHS/PO/43/2021 Repair and maintenance of CCTV cameras Open

The tender documents can be obtained from the school upon payment of a non-refundable fee of Kshs.1000 (One thousand) per set. Payable at National Bank Kisumu branch Acc. No. 01021023534100 Acc. name “Kisumu girls high school’ The completed tender document clearly marked “Tender No….       .” in a plain sealed envelope addressed to:

The Principal,

Kisumu Girls High School,

P.O. Box 811-40100,


To be placed in the tender box located at the school’s reception not later than 24/12/2020 at 10:00am. The tenders will be opened immediately thereafter in the school’s SMASSE room. Tenderers or their representatives are invited to attend and witness the opening.

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