Tenders are invited from interested and eligible suppliers for the supply and delivery of goods and services for the year 2021 as indicated below: –

Tender No Description Eligible
BGHS/01/2021 Supply of Dry Treated Maize Open
BGHS/02/2021 Supply of Treated Beans Open
BGHS/03/2021 Supply of Fresh Vegetables [Onions, Tomatoes, Sukuma wiki] Open
BGHS/04/2021 Supply of Fruits [Mangoes, Oranges, Bananas, Watermelon] Open
BGHS/05/2021 Supply of Fresh Eggs Open
BGHS/06/2021 Supply of Sugar, Cooking Oil, Tea Leaves, Salt, Wheat Flour Open
BGHS/07/2021 Supply of Rice Grade 1.5 Broken Open
BGHS/08/2021 Supply of Bread Open
BGHS/09/2021 Supply of Firewood & Charcoal Open
BGHS/10/2021 Supply of Exercise Books with School Logo Reserved
BGHS/11/2021 Supply of School & Office Stationery Open
BGHS/12/2021 Supply of Daily Newspapers Open
BGHS/13/2021 Supply of Uniform [Staff & Students] Open
BGHS/14/2021 Supply of Laboratory Chemicals and Science Equipment Open
BGHS/15/2021 Grinding of Maize Flour Open
BGHS/16/2021 Repair of Energy Jikos Open
BGHS/17/2021 Insurance Cover [Comprehensive for Vehicles] Open
BGHS/18/2021 Insurance Cover [School Property] Open
BGHS/19/2021 Fire Fighting Equipment Open
BGHS/20/2021 School Furniture – Supply, Repair & Maintenance Open
BGHS/21/2021 Repair & Maintenance of Computers & other Wares Open
BGHS/22/2021 Security Services Open
BGHS/23/2021 Supply of Electrical Equipment, Service & Maintenance Open
BGHS/24/2021 Cleaning Materials & Detergents Reserved
BGHS/25/2021 Medical Supplies Open
BGHS/26/2021 General Hardware & Building Materials Open
BGHS/27/2021 Repair & Maintenance of Photocopier & Copy Printer Open
BGHS/28/2021 Repair & Maintenance of Buildings [Classrooms, Hostel, Toilets etc.] Open
BGHS/29/2021 Computer & Accessories Reserved

Tender application forms with detailed specifications can be obtained at a non-refundable fee of Kshs. 1000/= from the school accounts office during normal working hours [8.00am to 5.00pm] between 18th December 2020 to 8th January 2021

Prices quoted must be inclusive of 16% VAT in cases of goods and inclusive of VAT and other taxes in case of services. Price for maize includes price of the bags for packaging.

Complete Tender Documents enclosed in plain sealed envelopes marked with Tender Number addressed to undersigned, be deposited in the Tender Box provided at the reception in the school Administration Block or mailed to the undersigned address, and be received on or before 8th January 2021 at 2.00pm. Tenders will be opened on the same day in the Chief Principal’s Office at 2.00pm in the presence of the bidders or their representatives who choose to attend.

The school reserves the right to accept or reject any tender either in whole or part and does not bind itself to accept the lowest or give the reasons for rejection.

The Secretary,

Tender Board Committee
Bunyore Girls’ High School,

P.0 BOX 165-40105,


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