Section I: Tender Information
(I.1) Contract Notice Title
Supply and delivery of toiletries and personal care products
(I.2) Publication reference
NICE/FA/02/2023-25 Tender Gazette Issue No.191/2023, on
(I.3) Date of publication
16 June 2023
Section II: Administrative information
(II.1) Programme title
NICE Need for Inclusive Children Education (AID 012590/06/3)
(II.2) Contracting authority
Amani Organization Italian Cooperation – Kenya Office
Section III: Information on no-Award
(III.1) Contract Award
The contract NICE/FA/02/2023-25, title: Supply and delivery of toiletries and personal care products is NOT awarded.
(III.2) Reason for cancellation
The contract/lot is not awarded resulting in a discontinuation of the procedure due to incompleteness of tender documents which may have given rise to irregularities. Subsequent to a complaint by one of the tenderers it has emerged that the selected tender does not fulfil the minimum requirement in relation to one of the criteria. Therefore, the tender procedure is cancelled.
Additional Information and Notes:
Should a new tender procedure be launched for this project, a new contract notice will be published,
unless the contracting authority awards the contract through a negotiated procedure – in which
case only the award of the contract will be published.
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