Kirinyaga County Tender 2020 

Entity Type County
Entity Name Kirinyaga
Tender Reference Number 837212-2020/2021
Tender Title Supply and Delivery of Water tanks of (775*375*1,000 Ltr) in Wamumu Ward
Tender Category Goods
Tender Type Open Tender
Tender Application Fee 0
Date Published 15th-Dec-2020
Submission Closing Date 05th-Jan-2021
Tender Opening Venue 3rd Floor Conference Room,, County Government of Kirinyaga Headquarters, Kutus Town
Tender Opening Date 05th-Jan-2021
Tender Opening Time 10:00:00
Tender Status Published
Other Details Failure to submit the original physical tender securing declaration form before the closing of the bid shall lead to disqualification of the bid.


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