The Sacco Societies Regulatory Authority (SASRA) invites sealed bids from eligible firms for Tender No. SASRA/
OIT/007/2023-2024; Supply, Installation, Configuration, Customization, Testing, Commissioning and Maintenance
of a Risk-Based Supervision System, to be executed under the following three (3) LOTS: –
a. Lot I –Risk Based Supervision Processes Software
b. Lot II –Business Intelligence, Extraction, Transformation and Loading (ETL) and Data Warehouse
c. Lot III – API Gateway
Tendering will be conducted under open International competitive method using a standardized tender
document. Tendering is open to all eligible, qualified and interested Tenderers.
The tender is open for participation on a LOT by LOT BASIS. Interested tenderers are free to bid for ONE or
TWO or ALL the LOTS in the tender and award of the tender will be on LOT by LOT BASIS.
Interested eligible firms may download the tender documents or obtain further information from the Procuring
Entity SASRA website and Public Procurement Information Portal www.tenders. Tenderers who download the tender document or are interested to bid must forward their particulars
(company name, name of contact, email, and telephone number) immediately to
to facilitate any further clarification or addendum. The procedures to be followed will be as follows; prospective
bidders will receive all clarifications and addenda to their registered emails and from the procuring entity website and Public Procurement Information Portal All bidders are advised
to regularly check the websites during the bidding period.
There will be two pre-bid conference sessions to be held on 12th September and 20th September 2023
starting at 1400hrs EAT. The sessions will be conducted on a hybrid mode (virtual and physical); the physical
meeting will be held at 18th Floor, Old Mutual Tower, Upper Hill Nairobi, while virtual participants are required
to request for a meeting link through the email, before the meeting start time.
Completed bid documents are to be enclosed in plain sealed envelopes, marked with the Tender Name and
Number and should be addressed to Chief Executive Officer, Sacco Societies Regulatory Authority, P.O Box
25089-00100, Nairobi, Kenya, and be dropped in the tender box located on 19th Floor, Old Mutual Tower, Upper
hill Road, Nairobi, so as to be received on or before 27th September 2023 at 1500Hrs EAT.
For enquiries, interested bidders can contact the Procurement Office through tel: +254 (020) 2935101, EMAIL: during office hours 0800 hours to 1700 hours.
Tenders will be opened immediately thereafter in the presence of candidates or their representatives who
choose to attend the event at 19th Floor, Old Mutual Tower, Upper hill Road, Nairobi.
Chief Executive Officer