Lot 1- Construction of Njoro Wastewater Treatment Plant
Njoro Wastewater Treatment Plant
Country Kenya
Project Ref No: 34537
Procurement Ref No: 510536
Subject: International Open Tender for Lake Nakuru Biodiversity Conservation Project: Lot
1-Construction of Njoro Wastewater Treatment Plant
Tender No: CRVWWDA/KfW/LNBCP/NTP/LOT1/2023-2024
Project Executing
Central Rift Valley Water Works Development Agency (CRVWWDA)
Contractual framework FIDIC Pink Book
Closing Date: 22nd December 2023 at 1100Hrs East African Time
Project measures:
1. The Government of the Republic of Kenya (GoK) has received financing from the German Development Bank (KfW)
towards the cost of the Lake Nakuru Biodiversity Conservation Project.
2. The project focuses on improving the conditions of the water supply, sewerage systems and wastewater treatment in
Nakuru city. This includes increasing the water supply through new boreholes, optimizing existing ones, and improving
the surface water intake. To enhance water transmission, new transmission mains and a reservoir will be constructed.
The sewer network will be expanded and rehabilitated to handle more wastewater flow to Njoro wastewater treatment
plant. Investments will also be made in a wastewater transfer station and a smaller pump station to convey wastewater
to the treatment plant.
3. Lot 1 of the Lake Nakuru Biodiversity Conservation Project is the construction of Njoro wastewater treatment plant.
Measures within this lot include: new pretreatment works with 60,000 m3/day capacity; new primary treatment of four
earth embankment anaerobic ponds each with a capacity of 10,000 m3/day; new secondary treatment consisting of
two reinforced concrete trickling filters with a capacity of 10,000 m3/day each and two reinforced concrete intermediate
clarifiers each of 10,000 m3/day; new tertiary treatment of six earth embankment maturation ponds with a wet volume
of 35,000 m3. Effluent outfall works of (450 m concrete pipe) and new sludge drying beds and disposal lagoons.
4. The Central Rift Valley Water Works Development Agency (CRVWWDA) now invites eligible civil engineering construction
companies to submit their Prequalification Applications in order to be considered for the execution of these Works.
5. Applicants are required to complete the Prequalification Application and demonstrate that they are qualified to perform
the services, by fulfilling criteria related to financial capabilities, description of similar assignments, experience in similar
conditions, availability of appropriate skills among staff, etc. To be considered for prequalification, Applicants must
demonstrate that they have achieved a minimum annual construction turnover of EUR 12,000,000 (twelve million
euros), for the last five (5) years, calculated as total certified annual payments received for contracts in progress and/or
6. A firm may apply for prequalification both individually and as part of a JV to enhance their qualifications.
7. This Prequalification for Construction of the Works will be guided by the latest version of the KfW’s “Guidelines for the
Procurement of Consulting Services, Works, Plant, Goods and Non-Consulting Services in Financial Cooperation
with Partners” (see webpage of KfW: www.kfw- entwicklungsbank.de).
8. The Executing Agency is under no obligation to shortlist any firm or Joint Venture that submits a Prequalification Application.
Should the Tender be cancelled, Applicants are not entitled to any compensation, nor will any reasons be given for
the cancellation.
9. The Prequalification Document is available free of charge from the CRVWWDA website https://tenders.crvwwda.
go.ke/ and at the PPIP portal www.tenders.go.ke. Bidders are encouraged to download the Prequalification Document
to minimize physical visits to the CRVWWDA Head Office.
10. For purposes of communication during the preparation of Prequalification application, a Firm/Joint Venture/Association
intending to submit application shall be required to pre-register its intent by an-email communication to the
Employer through the addresses indicated: info@crvwwda.go.ke, CC: procurement@crvwwda.go.ke
11. The Pre-registration email in 10 above shall clearly indicate the name of the firm (or one of the firms for JV or Association),
name, position, e-mail and telephone contact of its contact persons. In case of a joint venture or association, at
least one of the firms is required to pre-register the interest of the JV or Association
12. Applicants may obtain further information at the address and e-mails given and to the attention of the officer provided in
the prequalification document during office hours (weekdays from 8h00 to 17h00 EAT, excluding public holidays):
Chief Executive Officer
Central Rift Valley Water Works Development Agency
Maji Plaza, Prison Road, Off Nakuru – Eldama Ravine Highway,
P.O Box 2451-20100
Nakuru, Kenya
Electronic mail address: info@crvwwda.go.ke, CC: procurement@crvwwda.go.ke
The Prequalification Application shall be clearly marked with the following:
“Prequalification Application for: Lake Nakuru Biodiversity Conservation Project
Procurement of Lot 1 – Construction of Njoro Wastewater Treatment Plant”
and must be delivered physically to the address below and to the attention of the officer provided in the prequalification
document on or before Friday, 22nd December 2023 at 1100Hrs East African Time. Electronically submission is not an option.
Central Rift Valley Water Works Development Agency
Supply Chain Management Division
Maji Plaza, Prison Road, Off Nakuru – Eldama Ravine Highway
P.O Box 2451-20100
Nakuru, Kenya
The expected Application closing date is on Friday, 22nd December 2023 at 1110 Hrs East African Time. All interested bidders
are required to continually check the Central Rift Valley Water Works Development Agency website:
https://tenders.crvwwda.go.ke/ and at the PPIP portal www.tenders.go.ke. for any tender addendums or clarifications
that may arise before the submission date.