TO: All eligible bidders
1. Water Resources Authority has set aside funds in its budget toward the cost of Request for
Proposal for provision of consultancy services on strengthening the management of
water resources monitoring and data management.
2. The Authority invites sealed tenders from interested, qualified and competent firms
possessing the requisite license, skills, resources and experience for the provision of
provision of consultancy services on strengthening the management of water
resources monitoring and data management. More details on the Services are provided
in Section 5 Terms of Reference.
3. Interested eligible candidates may obtain further information from and inspect the tender
documents at the Water Resources Authority Procurement Office NHIF Building, 10th Floor
between 9:00am to 4:00pm, Monday to Friday excluding Public Holidays.
4. The tender document can be accessed and downloaded from the Water Resources
Authority’s website www.wra.go.ke or Public Procurement Information Portal (PPIP)
supplier portal www.tenders.go.ke free of charge.
5. A complete tender document (hard copy) may also be obtained by interested candidates
upon payment of a non- refundable fee of Kshs.1,000.00(Kenya Shillings One
Thousand). The payment can be made in form of cheque and a receipt obtained from our
Accounts office, located at the 4th floor NHIF Building. Details on the proposal’s
submission date, time and address are provided in the ITC 17.7and ITC 17.9 of the Data
6. The firms that download the document must arrange to forward their particulars/contacts
to Procurement through email address procurement@wra.go.ke /info@wra.go.ke before
the closing date for records and for the purposes of receiving clarifications and/or
addendum, if any. Additional information relating to this tender, if any, will be availed
through the Water Resources Authority’s website and PPIP from time to time.
7. Prices quoted should be inclusive of all taxes, must be expressed in Kenya Shillings and
shall remain valid for a period of 120 days from the closing date of the tender.
8. This Request for Proposals (RFP) has been addressed to ALL ELIGIBLE BIDDERS.
9. If a Consultant is a Joint Venture (JV), the full name of the JV shall be used and all
members, starting with the name of the lead member. Where sub-consultants have been
proposed, they shall be named. The maximum number of JV members shall be specified
in the TDS.
10. A firm will be selected under Quality Cost Based (QCBS) Selection method and in a
format as described in this RFP, in accordance with the Public Procurement and Asset
Disposal Act 2015, a copy of which is found at the following website: www.ppra.go.ke.
11. Details on the proposal’s submission date, time and address are provided in the ITC 18.5
of the Data Sheet.
12. The Tenderer shall chronologically and sequentially serialize all pages of the tender
documents submitted in the format of 1,2,3,4………including the cover page and all other
attachments. The Tenderer shall perfect bind the documents (No spiral binding).
13. Duly completed RFP documents, in a plain sealed envelope marked; “provision of
consultancy services on strengthening the management of water resources
monitoring and data management: RFP. NO. WRA/RFP/02/2022-2023 should be
mailed to the address below or deposited in the WRA tender box on the 10th Floor, NHIF
Building Wing B. Entry on or before WEDNESDAY 1ST FEBRUARY, 2023 at 12.00PM.
14. The Technical and Financial proposals should be enclosed in separate envelopes clearly
marked as shown below before enclosure in an outer envelope:
TECHNICAL PROPOSAL: Request for Proposal for provision of consultancy services on
strengthening the management of water resources monitoring and data management
FINANCIAL PROPOSAL: Request for Proposal for provision of consultancy services on
strengthening the management of water resources monitoring and data management
15. Technical Proposals will be opened immediately thereafter in the presence of bidders or
representatives who choose to attend at Water Resources Authority, NHIF Building, 10th
Floor Room 1005.
Yours Sincerely,
The Chief Executive Officer
Water Resources Authority,
P. O. Box 45250-00100, Nairobi
NHIF Building, 9th Floor Wing B
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