TENDER NO. KALRO/007/HQTS/2024-2025
1. The Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization invites sealed tenders for
Provision of Staff Medical Insurance Cover for a period of twenty four (24) months
with a possible 12 month extension upon satisfactory performance
2. Tendering will be conducted under open competitive tendering method using a standardized
tender document and is open to all qualified and interested Underwriters and/or Brokers.
3. Qualified and interested tenderers may obtain further information and inspect the Tender
Documents during office working hours, Monday to Friday between 0900hrs to 1600hrs
except for public holidays at Kenya Agricultural & Livestock Research
Organization, Kaptagat Road, Loresho, Nairobi, office no. 151
4. A complete set of tender documents may be purchased or obtained by interested tenders
upon payment of a non- refundable fees of KES 1,000 in cash or Banker’s Cheque and
payable to the Director, General, KALRO.
5. Tender documents may also be viewed and downloaded for free from the KALRO website
www.kalro.org or Treasury portal suppliers@treasury.go.ke. Those who download the tender
document and intend to submit a bid are required to register their details at the Director, Supply
Chain Management office, room 151 so as to be able to receive any further clarifications or
6. All Tenders must be accompanied by an Original tender security (Bid Bond) of Kenya Shillings
5,000,000.00 in form of a Demand Bank Guarantee, from a bank licensed and operating in Kenya,
valid for ninety (90) days.
7. The Tenderer shall chronologically serialize all pages of the tender documents submitted.
8. Completed tenders must be delivered to the address below on or before September 30, 2024
at 11.00am East African Time..
Kenya Agricultural & Livestock Research Organization
Kaptagat Road, Loresho P O Box 57811-00200,
And deposited in the Tender Box at the reception area, KALRO Headquarters,
Nairobi. Tenders that do not fit in the tender box shall be deposited at the Director, Supply
Chain Management office, ground floor room 151. Electronic Tenders WILL NOT be
9. Tenders will be opened immediately after the deadline date and time specified above or any
deadline date and time specified later. Tenders will be publicly opened in the presence of the
Tenderers’ designated representatives who choose to attend at the address below.
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