Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS) has received funds from Kenya Roads Board and intends to carry out Routine Maintenance works on several Tourist roads across its various Parks and Reserves.
The scope of works is as detailed in the tender documents.
Eligible tenderers shall submit the following among other eligibility requirements listed in the instructions to tenderers prescribed in the tender document: –
- i)Certified Copy of Certificate of Incorporation/Business Registration name under the Companies Act or Partnership Deed.
- ii)A certified current copy of Form CR12 for limited companies issued by the Registrar of Companies that clearly indicates the ownership of the company (not older than 12 months), as at the time of the tender closing.
iii) Copy of a valid Tax Compliance Certificate from Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA) as at the time of tender closing.
- iv)Valid current annual NCA practicing licence for each specified category.
- v)A declaration that the bidder will not engage in any corrupt or fraudulent practice.
- vi)A declaration that the bidder or her sub-contractor(s) are not debarred from participating in procurement proceedings by Public Procurement Regulatory Authority (PPRA).
vii) Tenderer shall provide Tender Security in the standard format provided in the tender document and valid for a period of 126 days from the date of tender opening.
- For Open to all tenders: Tenderers shall provide an original Tender Security amount as stated in the tender document and the Schedule of Roads Tenders posted on KWS website. The tender security shall be issued in Kenya Shillings or a freely convertible currency and in the form of Bank Guarantee or an Insurance Guarantee from Insurance Companies approved by PPRA / deposit taking Microfinance institutions, SACCO societies, Youth Enterprise Development Fund or Women Enterprise Development Fund.
- For Reserved tenders: Tenderers shall provide an original Form of Tender Securing Declaration duly filled, signed, stamped and dated. The Form of Tender Securing Declaration is provided in the tender document.
viii) For tenders reserved for special groups, each tender shall further be accompanied by;
- Certified copy of valid AGPO Certificate as proof of Registration in the target Group as issued by the National Treasury as at the date of tender closing.
- Certified valid copy of PWD Identity Card issued by National Council for Persons with Disability (NCPD). This applies to tenders under PWD category.
- Evidence of access to funds or financing agreement / Credit facility from banks or deposit taking microfinance institutions, SACCO societies, Youth Enterprise Development Fund or Women Enterprise Development Fund (Printed and signed on the Institution’s letterhead).
- ix)Bidders and their respective Directors can only submit ONE BID. Non-adherence to this condition shall lead to disqualification.
- x)In compliance with the Covid-19 measures and guidelines issued by the Ministry of Health, there shall be a VIRTUAL PRE-TENDER MEETING on Wednesday 6th October 2021 at 10:00 am for the bidders to be able to understand the scope of works.
All those who intend to participate in the Virtual Pre-tender meeting are required to submit their email contacts to by filling Schedule 1- Form of intent to participate in pre-tender meeting. This form must be submitted at least three (3) days before the PRE-TENDER MEETING for the purposes of recording / registration and planning. The form is included in the tender document under Section IV-Supplementary Information.
- xi)Bidders with ongoing works with KWS that have not been completed will not be eligible for bidding in these tenders and will be disqualified.
xii) The bidders shall comply with all the instructions of the tender and submit a complete set of tender documents as per the Instruction to tenderers ITT 11 and ensure that all the forms required are properly filled for completeness.
xiii) All the pages of the submitted tender document MUST be chronologically serialized. Tenderers who fail to comply with this criterion will be disqualified.
xiv) The document MUST be book / Tape bound. Tenderers who fail to comply with this criterion will be disqualified.
Schedule of Roads Tenders and Tender documents containing detailed specifications can be downloaded for free at KWS website; or the Public Procurement Information Portal
Communication regarding the tender must be in writing so as to reach KWS on or before 21st October 2021 via email address: –
All clarifications and/or amendments will be published on the Kenya Wildlife Service website, and tenderers are required to check for any addendum(s) or amendments during the tendering period prior to the closing date.
The complete tenders enclosed in sealed envelopes clearly marked with the appropriate Tender Number shall be submitted to:
Director General,
Kenya Wildlife Service,
KWS, Headquarters, Langata Road,
- O. Box 40241-00100, NAIROBI, KENYA
By depositing them in the Tender Box on Ground Floor, Main Reception on or before 10.00 am on Tuesday 26th October 2021.
Opening of the Tenders will take place immediately thereafter in the KWS Veterinary Conference Room in the presence of bidders’ representatives who wish to attend.