Tenders are invited from reputable security firms to provide security services at Rianyamwamu Tea Factory Co. Ltd. Prospective firms should meet the following requirements. All the required documents should be attached as necessary.
The bidding firms should have the following; –
- Have operated in Kenya for more than 10 years and have countrywide network.
- Possess Certificate of Incorporation/Registration
- Possess valid KRA Certificate of compliance
- Possess NSSF Certificate of compliance
- Possess NHIF Certificate of compliance
- Possess Local Trade License
- Have a quality business/accreditation by the following organization or any other national or globally recognized institution.
- i)ISO Accreditation
- ii)Signatory to the International Code of Conduct for Private Security Companies (ICoC):
iii) Membership to skills for Security (SFS)
- iv)Membership to Kenya Security Industry Association (KSIA)
- v)Membership to Kenya Private Sector Alliance (KPSA)
- vi)Registration with National Industrial Training Authority (NITA)
vii) Accreditation by Directorate of Occupational Safety & Healthy Services (DOSHS) Kenya’s Safety enforcer and regulator
viii) Membership to members of National Association of Security Dog users [NASDUJ. Safety & Health Services
- ix)Membership to International Code of Conduct Association (ICOCA) for private security Service Providers.
- x)Have provided security services to the following clients as indicated, number of guards and canine assigned and duration of the services.
- a)More than three Financial Institutions [Banks]
- b)Two diplomatic organizations or embassies
- c)Telecommunication organizations
- d)Three large private organizations similar to KTDA (Its Tea factories/Subsidiaries)
- Mobile response services (Availability of patrol cars) and fire engines services
- Healthy and safety Services-Fire engine services
- Current Labour Inspection Certificate
- Management composition that comprises professionals
- Control room services and communication equipment
- Corporate security investigation services.
- Security technological services e.g. Alarms, CCTV, access control, ate.
- Countrywide (Konya) network
- Audited financial accounts for the last two years
- Specialists in electrical and mechanical maintenance
- Canine services (both protective and detective).
- Creditable Insurance Cover validated by Majani Insurance
Tender document will be sent by each interested bidder upon payment of ten thousand shillings (Kshs 10,000.00). by banker’s cheque nonrefundable. The application/tender document should be returned by 15th November, 2024. A/C Number: 11301111184 | KCB Bank – Kisii Branch. Canvassing will lead to automatic disqualification.
The documents to be addressed either dropped at the office or byG4S to:
The Factory Unit Manager,
Rianyamwamu Tea Factory.
P.O.Box 925, Kisii