Murang’a County Government is in the process of initiating the implementation of various projects. The rationale for these programs is to ensure improved service delivery in the County. The Program entails implementation of development projects prioritized by the local communities. The Program puts emphasis on devolved functions that have impact on local communities.
The Murang’a County Government hereby invites bids from eligible Contractors/Suppliers for the following tenders:
No. | Tender No. | Project Name | Neg. No, | Category |
1. | MCG/NARIGP/004
/2023-2024 |
Supply, Delivery, Installation, and Commissioning of an Avocado Grading Line at Kandara | Manual Submission | All |
2. | MCG/444/2023-2024 | Proposed Supply Delivery and Installation of Water pipes Mukerenju Dispensary Borehole Extension – Kagundu-ini Ward | 1485808-2023/2024 | All |
3, | MCG/453/2023-2024 | Proposed supply, delivery and Installation of water pipes Kinoo-Mutithi Water Project Makuyu Ward | 1485802-2023/2024 | All |
4. | MCG/454/2023-2024 | Proposed Improvement of Mumbi Stadium Sports Ground, Football Pitch and Athletes Racing Track & Supply of Goal Posts for various [35 No] Stadia in Murang’a County | 1485876-2023/2024 | AGPO |
5. | MCG/443/2023-2024 | Proposed Completion Works at Kiawambeu Dispensary In Mbiri Ward In Murang’a County | 1487065-2023/2024 | AGPO |
6. | MCG/457/2023-2024 | Proposed Grading & Gravelling Works Of Gatumbi – Githima Access Roads – Kinyona Ward | 1490996-2023/2024 | AGPO |
7. | MCG/458/2023-2024 | Construction Of Karinga Dispensary (Phase 1] – Kinyona Ward | 1490986-2023/2024 | AGPO |
8. | MCG/459/2023-2024 | Landscaping of ECDES- Mbiri Ward | 1490969-2023/2024 | AGPO |
9. | MCG/460/2023-2024 | Supply and Delivery of Materials and Equipment For The Repair Of Streetlights And HighmastsThroughout Murang’a County | 1491018-2023/2024 | OPEN |
10. | MCG/461/2023-2024 | Supply and Delivery of INo. [One] Telescopic Aerial Lift Truck, 4×2,3-5 Ton | 1491031-2023/2024 | OPEN |
11. | MCG/463/2023-2024 | Proposed Construction of Kahurura Footbridge and Construction of Kambirwa and MaragiJCTBodabodasheds-Mbiri Ward | 1491029-2023/2024 | AGPO |
12. | MCG/464/2023-2024 | Proposed Construction, Renovation & Fencing Of Wamahiga – Rwatumu ECDE – Muthithi Ward | 1491022-2023/2024 | AGPO |
13. | MCG/462/2023-2024 | Proposed beautification works of Muranga town & renovations of municipality and lands offices | 1490902-2023/2024 | OPEN |
14. | MCG/465/2023-2024 | Proposed Construction of Iruri Dispensary Ablution Block – Kamacharia Ward | 1491401-2023/2024 | AGPO |
15. | MCG/466/2023-2024 | Framework Contract for Provision of outside catering services | Manual Submission | OPEN |
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