(One-Envelope Bidding Process)
Country: KENYA
Name of Project: Eastern Africa Regional Transport Trade and Development Facilitation
Project (EARTTDFP)
Contract Title: Supply and Delivery of office furniture to Kenya Engineering Technology
Registration Board (KETRB)
Credit No.: CR.5638-K
RFB Reference No.: KE-MOTI-361140-GO-RFB
1. The Government of Kenya has received financing from the World Bank toward the cost of
the Eastern Africa Regional Transport Trade and Development Facilitation Project
(EARTTDFP), and intends to apply part of the proceeds toward payments under the
contract for.
2. The State Department of Roads now invites sealed Bids from eligible Bidders for Supply
and Delivery of office furniture to Kenya Engineering Technology Registration Board
(KETRB). Bidding will be conducted through international competitive procurement
using a Request for Bids (RFB) as specified in the World Bank’s “Procurement
Regulations for IPF Borrowers” Procurement Regulations for Investment Project
Financing (IPF) Borrowers: August 2018 (“Procurement Regulations”), and is open to all
eligible Bidders as defined in the Procurement Regulations.
4. Interested eligible Bidders may obtain further information from State Department of Roads
website and Treasury portal
5. The bidding document in English may be downloaded by interested Bidders from State
Department of Roads website and Treasury portal and submit their details for registration to
6. Bids must be delivered to the address below State Department of Roads on or before 31st
October, 2023 Electronic Bidding will not be permitted. Late Bids will be rejected. Bids
will be publicly opened in the presence of the Bidders’ designated representatives and
anyone who chooses to attend at the address below.
7. All Bids must be accompanied by a Bid Security of KES 300,000 (Kenya shillings three
hundred thousand) only.
8. Attention is drawn to the Procurement Regulations requiring the Borrower to disclose
information on the successful bidder’s beneficial ownership, as part of the Contract Award
Notice, using the Beneficial Ownership Disclosure Form as included in the bidding
9. The address (es) referred to above is (are):
Principal Secretary
State Department of Roads
Attention: Head Supply Chain Management Services
Tender Box on Ground Floor Opp room 48.
Works Building, Ngong road