National Drought Management Authority
TENDER NO.: NDMA/1/2023-2024
1. The National Drought Management Authority invites sealed tenders for the supply of goods i.e Supply
and delivery of Motor vehicle Tyres
2. Tendering will be conducted under open competitive method (National) using a standardized tender
document. Tendering is open to all qualified and interested Tenderers. Tendering is open to all Small
and Medium Enterprises registered appropriately with the National Treasury under the Youth,
Women and People with Disability Category
Tenderers will not be allowedto tenderfor one ormore lots except Lot 3 and 4 for (PWDs)
3. Qualified and interested tenderers may obtain further information and inspect the Tender
Documents during office hours 0800hrs-1700hrs EATat the address given below.
4. Acomplete set of tender documents may be purchased or obtained by interested tenders upon payment
of a non- refundable fees of 1,000 (Amount in Kenya shillings) Banker’s Cheque and payable to the
National Drought Management Authority KCB Account No 1136140255. Tender documents may
be obtained electronically from the Website (insert website)). Tender documents obtained
electronicallywill be free of charge.
5. Tender documents may be viewed and downloaded for free from the website / . Tenderers who download the tender document must forward their particulars
immediately to to facilitate any further clarification or addendum.
6. All Tenders must be accompanied by a Tender Securing Declaration Form
7. TheTenderershall chronologically serialize all pages ofthe tender documentssubmitted.
8. Completed tenders must be delivered to the address below on or before 5th September 2023 at 10.30 a.m.
ElectronicTenders will not be permitted.
9. Tenders will be opened immediately after the deadline date and time specified above or any dead line
date and time specified later. Tenders will be publicly opened in the presence of the Tenderers’
designated representatives who choose to attend at the address below.
10. Late tenders will be rejected.
11. The addressesreferred to above are:
A. Addressfor obtaining further information and forpurchasing tenderdocuments
Name of Procuring Entity: National Drought Management Authority
Physical address for hand Courier Delivery to an office or Tender Box: Nairobi, Standard
Street, Lonrho House, 8th Floor
PostalAddress: P.O. Box 53547-00200 Nairobi
Deputy Director, Supply Chain Management, 0722200656,
B. AddressforSubmission ofTenders.
Name of ProcuringEntity: National Drought Management Authority
PostalAddress: Att. Chief Executive Officer, P.O.Box 53547-00200 Nairobi
Physical address for hand Courier Delivery to an office or Tender Box: Nairobi, Standard
Street, Lonrho House, 8th Floor
C. AddressforOpening ofTenders.
Name of ProcuringEntity: National Drought Management Authority
Physical addressforthe location:Nairobi, Standard Street, Lonrho House, 8th Floor
Chief Executive Officer [Authorized Official (name, designation, Signature and date)]
(Official of the Procuring Entity issuing the invitation)
Designation: Chief Executive Officer
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