Wildlife Research and Training Institute (WRTI) now invites sealed tenders under the open tender method
from Interested and eligible national candidates for the tenders listed below;
Item No | Tender Reference No. | Tender Name | Closing Date | Eligibility | Tender Security Amount |
1 | WRTI/OT/ICT/37/ 2023-2024 | Supply and Installation of E-board Management System | 21st September 2023 | Open to All | Ksh
50,000 |
2 | WRTI/OT/ICT/38/ 2023-2024 | Supply and Installation of Audit Management System | 21st September 2023 | Open to All | Ksh
70,000 |
Tender documents containing detailed terms of reference can be downloaded for free at our website;
www.wrti.go.ke and at the Public Procurement Information Portal www.tenders.go.ke .
Interested candidates may also seek further information from the Procurement office, Tel. 0700 000 321
Extension, or email: tenders@wrti.go.ke. Any addendums or clarifications in respect to this tender will be
available in our WRTI website www.wrti.go.ke and on the Public Procurement Information Portal www.
tenders.go.ke . All bidders are advised to regularly check the website during the bidding period
Prices quoted should be net inclusive of all taxes and must be in Kenya Shillings and should remain valid
for 126 days after date of tender opening
The completed bids in plain sealed envelope marked with tender reference number and tender name, and
addressed to the Director, Wildlife Research and Training Institute, P.O. Box 842 – 20117 Naivasha shall be
deposited into the Tender Box at the entrance of Main Reception, Wildlife Research Headquarters,
Naivasha Town. On or before 11:00 AM on 21st September 2023
Submitted/returned tender documents will be opened immediately thereafter in the presence of bidders of
their representatives who chose to attend. Further information is available at www.wrti.go.ke.