1. Kenya is a signatory to the Convention on International Civil Aviation (Chicago
Convention) signed on 1st May 1964. The Convention requires that all civil aviation
operations be conducted under internationally accepted minimum operating standards,
procedures and practices.
2. The Aircraft Accident Investigation Department (AAID), under the State Department for
Transport, is proactively involved in the promotion of aviation safety through
professional conduct of autonomous and impartial air safety investigations and other
accident prevention programs. The ultimate aim is to focus AAID’s resources on those
investigations most likely to enhance public confidence and safety in air transportation.
3. The AAID is responsible for the investigation of aircraft accidents and serious incidents
in Kenya involving both local and foreign aircrafts. The AAID also participates in
overseas investigations of accidents and serious incidents involving Kenya registered
aircraft products, operators or citizens.
4. Recently the Cabinet approved the establishment of Kenya Transport Accident
Investigation Bureau (KTAIB) a body that will be responsible for the investigation of
transport accidents and incidents involving all modes of transport. It is expected that in
future the system should be able to be upgraded or integrated in order to handle the
processes and database on investigation of accidents for all modes of transport in the
anticipated development
5. As part of this development, the AAID intends to automate its workflows and processes
by procuring a software solution for the automation of accident and incident
investigations. This will assist in establishing and maintaining an accident and incident
database to facilitate the effective analysis of information on actual or potential safety
deficiencies and determine any preventive actions required.
6. The system is expected to establish a database compatible with ICAO Accident/Incident
Data Reporting (DREP) or The European Co-ordination Centre for Accident and Incident
Reporting Systems (ECCAIRS) and AAID Policy and Procedure Manual. It is also
proposed that the automation system meets the Standards and Recommended Practices
of ICAO Annex 13, and associated documents, 9756 (I to IV), 9962 Policies and Procedure
Manual, 10053 Protection of Accidents and Incidents Records, 9422 Accident Prevention
Program, 9156 Accident/Incident Reporting Manual (ADREP Manual) and Circular 298
Training Guidelines for Aircraft Accident Investigators.
7. The State department for Transport now invites sealed tenders for the Supply,
Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Aircraft Accident Investigation System
8. Interested Eligible bidders may obtain further information from the Head, Supply Chain
Management Services, State Department for Transport, Transcom House, Ngong Road,
Nairobi, Upper Ground Floor from 0900 to 1700 hours East Africa Time on Mondays to
Fridays except during lunch break between 1300 hours and 1400 hours and Public
9. The bidding document may be viewed and downloaded by interested bidders free of
charge from the websites and/or Public Procurement Information
Portal (PPIP) – Bidders who intend to submit their bids MUST
promptly submit their names and contact details to for
communication of any clarification (s) and addenda during the bidding period
10. Bids must be delivered to the address below on or before 1030 hours on 14th December,
2023 and deposited in the tender box located on the ground floor Transcom House. The
bid should be clearly marked “Supply, Delivery, Installation, Testing and
Commissioning of Aircraft Accident Investigation System” for the Aircraft Accident
Investigation Department. Late bids will be rejected. Bids will be publicly opened
immediately thereafter in the presence of the bidders and/or designated representatives
and anyone who chooses to attend at the Accounts Boardroom, 1st Floor Transcom House
Ngong Road. Electronic bids SHALL NOT accepted
11. All bids must be accompanied by a bid security equivalent to 2% of the tender sum in
Kenya Shillings
12. The attention of the prospective bidders is drawn to the fact that they will be required to
certify in their bids that all software is either covered by a valid licence or was produced
by the bidder
The Principal Secretary
Attn: Head, Supply Chain Management Services
State Department for Transport,
P. O. Box 52692 – 00200
Transcom House, Ngong Road, Upper Ground Floor
Telephone: +254 (20) 2729200
13. Interested bidders are required to continually check the Department’s website; for any additional information/clarification that may arise before
the submission date
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