TENDER NUMBER: (KAS/3/ 2024/2025)
3. Kasneb invites sealed tenders for supply of Computer Accessories for one (1) year with
possibility of extension for a further one (1) year subject to satisfactory past performance
and market dynamics among other possible considerations. The goods will be delivered at
Kasneb Towers, Hospital Road, Upper Hill, Nairobi, in lots as described in the schedule of
4. Tendering will be conducted under open competitive method (National Restricted Tendering
Method) using a standard tender document. Tendering is open to all qualified and interested
5. Tendering is open to all Small and Medium Enterprises registered appropriately including
special group firms registered with the National Treasury.
6. Tenderers will be allowed to tender for one or more lots.
7. Qualified and interested tenderers may obtain further information and inspect the Tender
Documents during office hours 9.00 A.M to 4:00P.M. during the working days Monday to
Friday at the address given below.
8. A complete set of tender documents may be obtained electronically from the Website
www.kasneb.or.ke. or the PPIP Portal. Tender documents obtained electronically will be
free of charge. Tenderers who download the tender document must forward their particulars
immediately to Kasneb, Kasneb Towers I, Hospital Road, Upper Hill, P.O. Box 41362-00100
NAIROBI Tel: +254(020)4923000, Cellphone:0722201214
Email: info@kasneb.or.ke. Website: www.kasneb.or.ke to facilitate any further clarification
or addendum.
9. Electronic Tenders will not be permitted.
10. Tenders will be opened immediately after the deadline date and time specified above or any
deadline date and time specified later. Tenders will be publicly opened in the presence of the
tenderers’ designated representatives who choose to attend at the address below.
11. Late tenders will be rejected.
12. The addresses referred to above are:
A. Address for obtaining further information.
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