PROCURING ENTITY: | State Department for Basic Education |
CONTRACT NAME AND DESCRIPTION: | School Infrastructure Improvement (Supply of Furniture and Equipment in Targeted Schools in Nyamira County Lot 1 to Lot 24). |
The Ministry of Education has received financing from Kuwait Fund for Arabic Economic Development (KFAED)
toward new facilities and rehabilitation of existing infrastructure of the Schools in Nyamira County. The Project
Development Objective (PDO) is to enhanced access and equity in Education and improved quality of teaching
and learning in schools.
The State Department for Basic Education invites sealed Bids for supply of Furniture and Equipment of Targeted
Schools in Nyamira County.
LOT NO | Tender number | Bid Security | Category |
Lot 1 | MOEDSINCP/NCFS/01/2024- 2025/001 | Tender Securing – Declaration | PWD |
Lot 2 | MOEDSINCP/NCFS/02/2024- 2025/002 | Tender Securing – Declaration | PWD |
Lot 3 | MOEDSINCP/NCFS/03/2024- 2025/003 | Tender Securing – Declaration | WOMEN |
Lot 4 | MOEDSINCP/NCFS/04/2024- 2025/004 | 250,000 | OPEN |
Lot 5 | MOEDSINCP/NCFS/05/2024- 2025/005 | Tender Securing – Declaration | YOUTH |
Lot 6 | MOEDSINCP/NCFS/06/2024- 2025/006 | Tender Securing – Declaration | YOUTH |
Lot 7 | MOEDSINCP/NCFS/07/2024- 2025/007 | Tender Securing – Declaration | YOUTH |
Lot 8 | MOEDSINCP/NCFS/08/2024- 2025/008 | Tender Securing – Declaration | WOMEN |
Lot 9 | MOEDSINCP/NCFS/09/2024- 2025/009 | 250,000 | OPEN |
Lot 10 | MOEDSINCP/NCFS/10/2024- 2025/010 | 250,000 | OPEN |
Lot 11 | MOEDSINCP/NCFS/11/2024- 2025/011 | 250,000 | OPEN |
Lot 12 | MOEDSINCP/NCFS/12/2024- 2025/012 | 250,000 | OPEN |
Lot 13 | MOEDSINCP/NCFS/13/2024- 2025/013 | 250,000 | OPEN |
Lot 14 | MOEDSINCP/NCFS/14/2024- 2025/014 | 250,000 | OPEN |
Lot 15 | MOEDSINCP/NCFS/15/2024- 2025/015 | 250,000 | OPEN |
Lot 16 | MOEDSINCP/NCFS/16/2024- 2025/016 | 250,000 | OPEN |
Lot 17 | MOEDSINCP/NCFS/17/2024- 2025/017 | 250,000 | OPEN |
Lot 18 | MOEDSINCP/NCFS/18/2024- 2025/018 | 250,000 | OPEN |
Lot 19 | MOEDSINCP/NCFS/19/2024- 2025/019 | 300,000 | OPEN |
Lot 20 | MOEDSINCP/NCFS/20/2024- 2025/020 | 300,000 | OPEN |
Lot 21 | MOEDSINCP/NCFS/21/2024- 2025/021 | 300,000 | OPEN |
Lot 22 | MOEDSINCP/NCFS/22/2024- 2025/022 | 300,000 | OPEN |
Lot 23 | MOEDSINCP/NCFS/23/2024- 2025/023 | 300,000 | OPEN |
Lot 24 | MOEDSINCP/NCFS/24/2024- 2025/024 | 300,000 | OPEN |
1. Tendering will be conducted under Open National Competitive method using a standardized tender document.
Tendering is open to all qualified and interested Tenderers.
Tenderers will be allowed to tender for one or more lots but will only be awarded one lot.
2. Qualified and interested tenderers may obtain further information and inspect the Tender Documents during
office hours [0800 to 1700 hours] at the address given below.
3. Bid documents may be viewed and downloaded for free from the website ( and PPIP
portal – Tenderers who download the tender document must forward their particulars immediately
to ( to facilitate any further clarification or addendum if any.
4. Bids shall be quoted in Kenya Shillings and shall include all taxes. Bids shall remain valid for (120) days from
the date of opening of tenders.
5. All bids must be accompanied by a tender security and tender securing declaration where applicable
for each lot as shown above.
6. The Tenderer shall chronologically serialize all pages of the tender documents submitted.
7. Tenderers should indicate the lot number on the envelope.
8. Completed tenders must be delivered to the address below on or before 3rd September, 2024 at 10.00 AM.
Electronic Tenders will not be permitted.
9. Tenders will be opened immediately after the deadline date and time specified above (3rd September, 2024
at 10.00 AM) or any dead line date and time that may be specified later. Tenders will be publicly opened in the
presence of the Tenderers’ or designated representatives who choose to attend at the address below.
10. Late tenders will be rejected.
11. A compulsory online pre-tender conference will be held online on 22nd August, 2024 from 9.00 am
(Online link will be shared and uploaded in our
12. The addresses referred to above are: