Tenders are invited from qualified and competent firms for supply and delivery of various goods, services and works to Maara NG-CDF as and when required basis for the period ending 30th June, 2025.
1. | MAR/01/2023-2025 | Supply and delivery of petrol, oil & lubricants | Open |
2. | MAR /02/2023-2025 | Supply and delivery of timber and furniture | Special group |
3. | MAR/03/2023-2025 | Supply and delivery of building materials, hardware, paints and electrical materials, water tanks and gutters | Open |
4. | MAR /04/2023-2025 | Supply and delivery of tyres, tubes, batteries and spare parts For motor vehicle and motor cycles | Open |
5. | MAR /05/2023-2025 | Supply and delivery of office supplies, general printing services | Special group |
6. | MAR /06/2023-2025 | Supply and delivery of cleaning materials and cleaning services | Special group |
7. | MAR /07/2023-2025 | Supply and delivery of sports kits and equipment and trophies | Open |
8. | MAR /08/2023-2025 | Supply and delivery of computers, printers, accessories, office Telephone, telecommunication equipment and web Designing and internet services | Special group |
9. | MAR /09/2023-2025 | Pre-qualification for repair and servicing of government Motor vehicles and motor cycles | Open |
10. | MAR /10/2023-2025 | Pre-qualification for contractors for repair and servicing Office machines and equipments, computers, typewrites ,fax, Photocopiers and cabinets | Open |
11. | MAR /11/2023-2025 | Pre-qualification of construction works on building ,repairs Redecoration to government buildings and supply of office Furniture | Open |
12. | MAR /12/2023-2025 | Pre-qualification for provision of insurance | Open |
13. | MAR /13/2023-2025 | Provision of meals, accommodation and conference facilities | Open |
14. | MAR /14/2023-2025 | Pre-qualification for training services and development of Strategic plan | Open |
Interested applicants MUST attach:-
- A copy of registration certificate[business]
- A copy of VAT and PIN certificate
- A copy of Tax compliance certificate
Tender No. MAR/11/2023-2025 -MUST attach:-
- Proof of registration from ministry of public works
- A copy of latest renewed certificate
- The company profile
- Certificate of registration from national construction authority
Prices quoted for all tenders MUST be expressed in Kenya shillings and must be valid for 120 days after the closing date. All prices quoted should be inclusive of VAT & all Government duties and taxes, and delivery costs to stations within Maara Sub County.
Tender documents giving detailed specifications can be obtained from office of the NGCDF Maara Constituency upon payment of non-refundable fee of Kshs. 1,000/= per set of document during working hours.
Completed tender documents in plain sealed envelope clearly marked with relevant tender should be addressed to:-
P.0 BOX 301-60401
Deposited in the tender box situated at the entrance to the MAARA NGCDF Offices so as to reach him/her on or before 6th June 2023 at 10.00 A.M.
The applications will be opened immediately thereafter and tenderers or their agents are free to witness the opening if they so wish.
The government reserves the rights to accept or reject any tender either wholly or in part and doesn’t bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender or to give reasons for rejection.
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