Thika Town NG-CDF Committee invites applications for registration of suppliers, contractors and service
providers for the financial year 2022/2023 and 2023/2024.
Category Reference No. | Item description | Eligibility |
TT/NG-CDF/001/2022-2024 | Provision for construction works- buildings, rehabilitation and associated works | Open |
TT/NG-CDF/002/2022-2024 | Provision for supply and maintenance of office equipment’s and accessories | Reserved |
TT/NG-CDF/003/2022-2024 | Provision for supply & maintenance of office furniture/ fittings | Open |
TT/NG-CDF/004/2022-2024 | Provision for supply of general office stationaries | Reserved |
TT/NG-CDF/005/2022-2024 | Provision for supply of toiletries | Reserved |
TT/NG-CDF/006/2022-2024 | Provision for supply of school desks lockers, tables and chairs | Open |
TT/NG-CDF/007/2022-2024 | Provision for consultancy services | Open |
TT/NG-CDF/008/2022-2024 | Provision for transport services | Open |
TT/NG-CDF/009/2022-2024 | Provision for repair and maintenance of motor vehicles and supply of motor vehicle tyres tubes and batteries | Open |
TT/NG-CDF/010/2022-2024 | Provision for supply of fuel, oils and lubricants | Open |
TT/NG-CDF/011/2022-2024 | Provision for supply of motor vehicle insurance services | Open |
TT/NG-CDF/012/2022-2024 | Provision for supply of sports attires and equipment’s | Open |
TT/NG-CDF/013/2022-2024 | Provision for landscaping services | Open |
TT/NG-CDF/014/2022-2024 | Provision for supply of tree seedlings | Reserved |
TT/NG-CDF/015/2022-2024 | Provision for supply of internet services and networking | Reserved |
TT/NG-CDF/016/2022-2024 | Provision for event planning and supply of chairs, tents and
public address systems |
Open |
TT/NG-CDF/017/2022-2024 | Provision for printing of magazines and other
promotional/publicity materials |
Reserved |
TT/NG-CDF/018/2022-2024 | Provision for driving/riding training services | Open |
Completed Tender documents in plain sealed envelopes, clearly indicating the Category Reference no.
applied for should be addressed to:-
The Fund Account Manager,
Thika Town NG-CDF
P.O Box 461-01000
Completed Tender Documents should be deposited in the Tender Box provided at the at NG-CDF office Thika
Town reception area, so as to be received not later than Wednesday, 10th May 2023 at 10.00am.
Applications will be opened immediately thereafter, at NG-CDF Thika Town Board Room in the presence of
bidders or their representative, who choose to attend
Late tender will be returned unopened.
DOWNLOAD TENDER DOCUMENT Become our Member To download. Join us Or Login
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