Mercy Corps is a non-religious, non-profit and non-governmental international humanitarian organization.
The AgriFin Accelerate [AFA] program is a six year, USD 24.7 million program of Mercy Corps, supported by The MasterCard Foundation. The core problem AgriFin Accelerate seeks to address is the inclusion gap for smallholder farmers [SHF] who lack access to affordable, accessible, demand-driven financial products and services that drive higher productivity and income for farm families.
Mercy Corps is seeking a supplier to conduct a final ecosystem review and program evaluation. The project is located at Nairobi, Kenya.
No. | Tender Description | Tender Number |
1 | Final Ecosystem impact Review and Program Evaluation | MC-AFA/NBQ/034/ 2020 |
Tenders must be submitted to [] or physically at Mercy Corps Agrifin office located at ABC Place | Building 213rd Floor Nairobi. Kenya by [05.00 PM EAT, 7th August 2020].
Only tenders submitted in prescribed form and deadlines will be considered. Only legally registered firms will be considered.
All tenders should be submitted in sealed envelopes or via email clearly marked: “[MC-AFA/NB0/034/2020. &Final Ecosystem Impact Review and Program Evaluation]”
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