Country : Kenya
Name of Project : Second Kenya Devolution Support Program KDSP-II
Credit No : IDA-7447-KE
Project ID No : P180935
Assignment Title : Individual Consultant to Finalize Second Kenya Devolution
Support Program (KDSP II) Financial Management Manual.
Reference No : SDD/KDSP II/EOI/001/2023-2024
1. The Government of Kenya (GoK) has received funding from the World Bank towards the cost
Second Kenya Devolution Support Program KDSP-II, and intends to apply part of the
proceeds toward payments under the contract for consulting services. The Program has three
result areas;
(i) Sustainable Financing and Expenditure Management. This KRA supports efforts
towards enhancing financing to, and expenditure management by counties.
(ii) Intergovernmental Coordination, Institutional Performance, and Human
Resource Management. This KRA supports national and county government initiatives
towards strengthening intergovernmental coordination, institutional performance, and
Human Resource Management (HRM), and
(iii) Oversight, Participation, and Accountability. KRA 3 will support improvements
in oversight, participation, and accountability. The IPF component will support the
development of guidelines on project stocktaking, community-led project management
committees, and climate change risk screening and preparedness (including assessment
of the climate resilience of existing infrastructure assets).
Specific Disbursement Linked Indicators (DLIs) have been developed to monitor results
for each of the three result areas.

2.The primary objective of the consultant to assist to Finalize Second Kenya Devolution Support
Program (KDSP II) Financial Management Manual. Details of the assignment are available in
the Terms of Reference (ToR).
3.The State Department for Devolution now invites eligible individual consultants to submit CVs
for consideration. Interested consultants must provide information demonstrating that they

have the required qualifications and relevant experience to provide the services. The short
listing criteria will be as indicated in the TORs.
4.Interested Individual Consultants may obtain further information at the address below from
0900 to 1700 hours East African Time (EAT) from Monday to Friday excluding lunch hour (1300
to 1400hours EAT) and public holidays.
5.Interested Individual Consultants should submit their CV which must be delivered in a written
form and must be accompanied with copies of relevant documents and
testimonials/recommendations (copies of Academic and Professional Qualifications and
Registration/Licensing Certificates) in plain sealed envelope clearly marked: Individual
Consultant to Finalize Second Kenya Devolution Support Program (KDSP II)
Financial Management Manual. Reference No. SDD/KDSP II/EOI/001/2023-2024 and
addressed (in person, or by e-mail) to;
The Principal Secretary,
State Department for Devolution
P.O. Box 30004 – 00100 Nairobi.
Attention: Program Coordinator KDSPII
6.Expression of Interest shall be delivered using one of the following modalities;
1. Deposit in the Tender Box located on 1
st Floor Teleposta Towers – Kenyatta Avenue
Nairobi, Kenya.
2. Send via email to;
7. Deadline for submission of CVs is Monday 7
th October 2024 at 1100 hours East African
Note: Late submissions will not be accepted.

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