Kakamega County Water and Sanitation Company with support from County Government of Kakamega has set aside funds to procure and install packaged/compact portable water treatment facilities/Units within Kakamega county to enhance water provision within under-served rural areas and upcoming towns.
S/No | Description | Bid No. | Due Date | Bids Available
from |
Post or deliver bids to |
1 | Proposed Design, Manufacture, Supply, Delivery, and supervision of the installation of packaged/ Compact portable Water Treatment facility/Unit at Firatsi water supply in Butere sub-county, kakamega county – Kenya | CGK/KACWASCO/DMSDS/06/2021-2022 | Friday 19th November 2021 at 12:00 noon East African Time | The company website: | The Chief Executive Officer
Kakamega County Water And Sanitation Company P.O.Box 1189-50100 Kakamega,Kenya Tel: 056-2030355 Physical address: KACWASCO Offices, Kefinco Building, Kakamega town, off Kakamega Kisumu Road |
2 | Proposed Design, Manufacture, Supply, Delivery, and supervision of the installation of packaged/ Compact portable Water Treatment facility/Unit at Butwehe water supply project in Ikolomani sub-county, kakamega county – Kenya | CGK/KACWASCO/DMSDS/05/2021-2022 | |||
3 | Proposed Design, Manufacture, Supply, Delivery, and supervision of the installation of packaged/ Compact portable Water Treatment facility/Unit at Nandamanywa in Shinyalu Sub-County, Kakamega County – Kenya | CGK/KACWASCO/DMSDS/04/2021-2022 |
Submission of Bids:
Completed tender documents in hard copies are to be enclosed in plain sealed envelopes marked with Category number and Category Description and be deposited in the Tender Box Marked “Tender Box” at the Company Offices in Kakamega off Kakamega Kisumu road or be addressed to the address indicated above. The tenders should be received on or before Friday 19th November 2021 at 12:00 noon East African Time
The Tenders will be opened immediately thereafter at the Company’s Boardroom in the presence of the, interested tenderers or their representatives who choose to attend.
Tender documents shall be downloaded by interested bidders at no cost