1. General Background:
The Lake Victoria North Water Works Development Agency (LVNWWDA), a State Corporation under the Ministry of
Water, Sanitation and Irrigation has received funds from the Government of the Republic of Kenya and intends to
apply part of the proceeds for payments against services provided under the below-listed Consultancy assignments:
Lot 1: Feasibility Study, ESIA & RAP and Preparation of PPP Tender Documents for the proposed Kipkurere Dam –
Tinderet Bulk Water Supply and Sanitation Project, Contract No. LVNWWDA/KIP-TIND/WSP/2023-2024
Lot 2: Feasibility Study, Detailed Design and Preparation of Tender Documents for the proposed Chepterit Water
Supply and Sanitation Project, Contract No. LVNWWDA/ND/ CHEPTERIT/WSP/2023-2024
Lot 3: Feasibility Study, Detailed Design and Preparation of Tender Documents for Vihiga Cluster Last Mile Connectivity
Project Contract No. LVNWWDA/VHG/LMC /2023-2024
Lot 4: Feasibility Study, Detailed Design and Preparation of Tender Documents for Mosongo-Chebai-Top Suwerwa
Water Supply and Sanitation Project. Contract No. LVNWWDA/MOSONGO – CHEBAI-TOP SUWERWA/
2. Request for Expression of Interest (EOI)
LVNWWDA now invites eligible consulting firms to indicate their interest in providing the services. Interested consulting
firms should provide information demonstrating that they have the required qualifications and experience to
perform the services. The shortlisting criteria will be:
i. Registration as a consulting firm with relevant experience in design and supervision of works for dams and/
or water supply and sanitation projects in the last 10 years.
ii. Possession of qualified and experienced key staff members registered as professionals by relevant professional
iii. Design of Water and Wastewater Treatment Works of not less than 1,500m3/day capacity and the associated
abstraction/collection, conveyance, storage and distribution infrastructure.
iv. Design of River Diversion Works/Headworks of not less than 1,500m3/day capacity and the associated
v. For dam assignment, feasibility study and detailed design of a dam of at least 15m height and associated
vi. For Last Mile Connectivity assignment, design of a pipe network of 20km total length.
3. Consultants will be shortlisted in accordance with the method of selection set out in the Public Procurement and
Asset Disposal Regulations, 2020.
4. Further information and detailed invitation for Expression of Interest can be obtained at the address below during
working hours from 0800 to 1700 hours East African Time or from the LVNWWDA Website or
the Public Procurement Information Portal (PPIP) website
5. Expressions of Interest, written in English language, must be delivered to the address below by 1200 hours East
African Time on or before Wednesday 11th October, 2023.
6. Consultants must indicate, on the envelope containing the submission, the Lot or Lots for which they are Expressing
Interest. A Consultant may apply for any number of lots.
7. Submission of the Expression of Interest
Three hard copies (1 original and 2 copies), each clearly marked with Tender Name and Number, as indicated above,
and one (1) soft copy (Read-Only CD) of the completed EOI MUST be delivered to the Tender Box at the address
below at or before 1200 hours East African Time on Wednesday 11th October, 2023.
8. Late EOI documents SHALL be rejected. All documents shall be in English language.
9. The EOI documents will be opened physically in the presence of the firms’ representatives who choose to attend in
person at LVNWWDA Board Room, Kakamega immediately after the submission deadline.
10. The address referred to above is:
The Chief Executive Officer
Lake Victoria North Water Works Development Agency
Kefinco Hse, off Kakamega-Kisumu Road
Phone: 056 2030795, 056 2031552 and 020 7608130
P.O Box 673-50100