Eldoret Water and Sanitation Company Limited (ELDOWAS) is a corporate entity established under Cap 486 of the laws of Kenya. ELDOWAS hereby invites sealed tenders from qualified and interested tenderers for the following:
S.No. | Tender No. | Tender Name | Tender Submission Deadline | Target
Group |
1. | ELDOWAS/T/30/
2021-2022 |
Supply and Delivery of Domestic Cold Water Meters. | 28th January, 2022 at 12.00PM | Open |
2. | ELDOWAS/T/31/
2021-2022 |
Supply and Delivery of Ultrasonic Flow Rate Meters. | 28th January, 2022 at 12.00PM | Open |
3. | ELDOWAS/T/32/
2021-2022 |
Supply and Delivery of Aluminium Sulphate. | 28th January, 2022 at 12.00PM | Open |
4 . | ELDOWAS/T/33/
2021-2022 |
Provision of Security Services. | 28th January, 2022 at 12.00PM | Open |
002/2021-2022 |
Request for Consultancy Services for ELDOWAS Integrated Communications, Public Relations and Corporate Re-Branding strategy. | 28th January, 2022 at 12.00PM | Open |
Detailed tender document that includes eligibility requirements, mandatory preliminary requirements, technical and financial evaluation criteria may be viewed and obtained by interested and eligible tenderers free of charge from the Eldoret Water and Sanitation Company Limited’s website: https://eldowas.or.ke/tender/ from 11th January, 2022.A mandatory Site visit for provision of Security Services is scheduled for 21st January,2022 Starting at 10.00 am at the Eldowas Head office. The costs of attending shall be the tenderer’s own responsibility.
All tenderers must submit their tender documents, each clearly marked with tender no. and name as indicated above and must be delivered to the Tender Box at the address below on or before tender submission deadline as indicated above. Tenders will be opened physically in the presence of the tenderers’ representatives who choose to attend in person in the Board Room, ELDOWAS Headquarters, Kambi Somali Road, Eldoret Kenya at the address below immediately after the tender submission deadline.
- The Tender Opening Process will be done in Compliance with the prevailing COVID 19 Prevention Guidelines & Protocols.
The address referred to above is:
Managing Director
Eldoret Water and Sanitation Company Limited (ELDOWAS)
Kampi Somali Road, Opposite Coca Cola.
P.O. Box 8418-30100 Eldoret, Kenya
Landline: +254 (0)53-2035000,
Toll Free Line: 0800-211-155
E-mail: info@eldowas.or.ke
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