KAFOCA-Mukuru Studyville invites applications for tender from interested and competent suppliers possessing the requisite skills resources and experience for the supply of the under listed goods and services for FY 2022/23

KMS/001/2022/23 Design /printing services
KMS/002/2022/23 Supply/delivery of General office stationery
KMS/003/2022/23 Supply /delivery of fresh fruits and vegetables
KMS/004/2022/23 Supply / delivery of Meat
KMS/005/2022/23 Supply/delivery of Poultry Products
KMS/006/2022/23 Supply / delivery of Fresh Milk
KMS/007/2022/23 Supply / delivery of Cereals
KMS/008/2022/23 Supply/ delivery of Fresh Sliced Bread
KMS/009/2022/23 Supply/ delivery of Fish Fillet
KMS/010/2022/23 Supply / delivery of LPG Cooking gas
KMS/011/2022/23 Supply/ delivery of Laundry & Cleaning Detergents
KMS/012/2022/23 Supply/ delivery of Staff Uniforms
KMS/013/2022/23 Provision of sanitary services
KMS/014/2022/23 Provision of garbage collection services
KMS/015/2022/23 Service of washing machine, dryer & dish washer

Tender documents may be obtained from KAFOCA-Mukuru Studyville office upon payment of non-refundable fee of Kshs. 3,500.00 (three thousand five hundred shillings only] per set from 8.00am – 5.00 pm Monday to Friday. Interested applicants must complete S33 confidential business questionnaire in full, attach copies of Certificate of business registration, Tax Compliance certificate, audited accounts, bank statements & recommendations from current clients. Completed tender document in plain sealed envelopes clearly marked tender number & item description (no name] should be deposited in the tender box situated at the reception addressed to:

The Manager

KAFOCA Mukuru Studyville
P.0 BOX 3141-00506

So as to reach the Manager on or before 16th November 2021 at 1000hrs submitted bids will be opened on the same day in the presence of the tenderers or their representatives who choose to attend. Late bids will not be accepted. KAFOCA Mukuru Studyville reserves the right to reject any tender either in part or whole and does not bind itself to accept the lowest bidder

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