The Judiciary now invites sealed bids from eligible tenderers for as follows;
S.N | Description | Tender Number | Bid Security Amount (Kshs) | Tender Opening Date |
1 | Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of assorted Generators under a framework contract for a maximum period of three (3) years renewable annually upon satisfactory performance. | JUD/16/2021-2022 | 2,000,000.00 | 22.03.2022 at 10.00am Link: |
2. | PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION OF Takaba Law Courts | JUD/15/2021-2022 | 1,000,000.00 | 22.03.2022 at 11.00am Link: |
3. | Proposed Completion of Narok Law Courts | JUD/13/2021-2022 | 200,000.00 | 22.03.2022 at 12.00pm Link: |
4. | Proposed Renovation of Milimani Law Courts | JUD/14/2021-2022 | 300,000.00 | 22.03.2022 at 2.00pm Link: https://bit.iy/3705wlH |
Tendering will be conducted under National Open Tender using standard tender document. Tendering is open to all qualified and interested Tenderers who may view or obtain the tender documents by downloading from the Judiciary’s website: or the Public Procurement Information Portal (PPIP) website: Any request for clarifications must be made in writing at least seven (7) days to the tender closing date. All Clarifications and/or addendum will be posted on the Judiciary and PPIP websites. There will be a virtual pre-bid meeting as provided in the tender documents.
Prices quoted for the above tenders shall be inclusive of all taxes and must be expressed in Kenya Shillings and shall remain valid for one hundred and twenty (120) days from date of the tender closing. Tenders must be accompanied with a Tender Security as indicated above valid for a period 180 days from the date offender closing and in the form of a guarantee from a reputable bank or institution approved by the Public Procurement Regulatory Authority (PPRA) payable to the Chief Registrar of the Judiciary. Tenderers shall chronologically serialize all pages of the tender documents submitted. Late tenders shall be rejected.
Completed tender documents are to be enclosed in plain sealed envelopes, clearly marked with the tender number and name and deposited in the Tender Box located at the main gate, Supreme Court building entrance, City Hall Way, Nairobi and addressed to:
The Chief Registrar of the Judiciary
Att: Director, Supply Chain Management Services
P.0 Box 30041-00100 Nairobi, Kenya.
to be received on or before as indicated above.
Tenders will be opened immediately thereafter in the presence of the designated tenderers representatives who choose to attend virtually through links provided above.
Anne A. Amadi, CBS